Family For Forever-2

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Okay, here's Chapter Two! I dedicate this to Jhonen Vasquez, for being the most wonderful person in the world and creating Invader Zim!

But, I also dedicate this to TheAshesBurnOrange, because, though we don't talk much, she's my buddy. Thanx Ashlyn. :3

P.S. We didn't get any snow! :( All we got was ice, which was pretty kewl before I slipped on the porch and nearly ate it... instead my butt hurt alot. :3 :3 :3 :3


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"Where are we going again?"

"Donut, we have been here for the last three hours, and yet you still continue to ask where." I sighed. "We have come here to look for houses, remember?"

Donut nodded. "Yeah, okay. I remember."

There was silence in the vast house that we could never afford.

"Where are we going again?"

The dark hallway echoed with Rouge's, the landlord, and my own groans. Did we have to go through this again? We had been here for so long and we hadn't even looked at all the rooms. We looked at plenty however. The chandlier, made of real diamond and crystal, the kitchen, vast and expensive looking like those ones you see on those cooking shows, the living room that looked more like a person-who-bought-this-just-because-then-hired-a-full-time-maid-even-though-they-don't-even-live-here room...

The list was endless, though there was still more than half the house to look at.

"Where's the landlord, again?"

I sighed. "She should be right over-"

She wasn't there. In fact, nothing was. Nothing but an echoing scream. What the...

"Get the Hell off of me!" Rouge's voice seemed to be the only thing in the room. But then the choking.

Choking and coughing and wheezing.

Somebody was killing my friend.

"Dough! Pass me your necklace!"

She scoffed. "But dude, this is like, my favorite one!"

I felt around the room. Was that a face? My palm tingled and burned a bit after I slapped something that definately did not feel like Donut's face. My hand has her cheek recognized, almost like a Fave Five on my cell phone. Well, my sister's cell phone that she said I could borrow.

Whatever I had slapped was apparently the one suffocating Rouge, and her breath caught back on, along with her cussing.

I'd tell you what she said, but that would get me arrested and possibly prosicuted.

There was a rumble. No, a growl. A horrible, growly growl.

"OMG! I didn't know dogs came with this house!" Donut screamed.

"Donut! Shut the hell up!"

"Rouge what did I tell you about that word!"

"Sammy-Wammy, shut up before Rouge-Houge kills you."

"Did it just call me 'HUGEY'!"

"Rouge, she didn't mean it like that!"

Another voice, which sounded like a man, blasted through the entire house."Will you all just SHUT-UP! Stop your stupid bickering and be afraid of me!"

Laughter rang and I immediatly saw sea-horse-Donut, bending over and Rouge standing over some nerd she had beat up. What were they laughing at? How was this funny? This guy was trying to kill us for Brooke-Sake!

"You think...that...we should be...afraid...of some...guy?"

Rouge! She needed to shut up now, or get us all killed! Preferably the first choice...

"Yeah!" Dough stopped to take a gasping breath. "And we have Roo-Roo on our team! She can beat anything! Besides ground beef, which stinks because I'm really hungry right now and-"

The rumble, I realized, had come from the man's chest and up his throat. I heard it. I felt it. I smelt it. He growled and breathed in and out of what must have been clenched teeth. Crud on a stick, he was ma-ad.

The tinkly giggles stopped, but footsteps started, scurrying feet. They were trying to stand up straight before somebody killed them. There was a popping sound. The light came on. My sister walked into the room.

"Brooke? What the he-"

"Master, what are you doing with these three?" Her blonde hair was in a bun on the top of her head, her black cloak flying out behind her. Strange. She had always seemed more of a hoodie and hair-down kind of girl during the years that I knew her.

Of course, I hadn't really known her that long. I woke up one morning in a hospital and my father, or who he had claimed to be, told me I had gotten in an accident, and that they were my family. They always had been, who they are, and who they always will be.

When we got home, I asked about my apperance and father told me that he hated me, then left. Mother glared at me for a solid week after that.

It never made any sense...

The man, this "master", looked at Brooke and smiled slightly. "Ah, Makka. You've come to play."

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