Becoming One of the People

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Crystal's POV

Jake and I had our first aerial hunt today. We shoot three of the sturmbeests we are eating tonight. We are celebrating the hunt fesitival tonight. A large bonfire is lit with the tribe dancing around it. People gnawing on massive sturmbeest ribs. A bowl of some kava-like intoxicant is passed around. I sit with Uncle Jake, Grace, Orodon and Tsu'tey.

Neytiri is dancing in a flowing costume as the ikran spirit. We are soon surrounded by other young hunters. Uncle Jake acts out the leonopteryx attack with his hands.

When he finishes Tsu'tey holds up the KAVA BOWL, offering it to him. Uncle Jake takes a long, hearty drink as some of the young hunters hoot and clap hands in a fast rhythm.

"Watch that stuff. It'll knock you into next week" Grace tells him. He hands it back to Tsu'tey, who takes a swig of it himself. I honestly don't want to be around my uncle if he decides to get drunk. Orodon sensing my desire stands and offers me a hand.

"Ngenga kin hrrap! -yes na- i pata" he tells me (Translation: You must dance! It is the way). I smile in gratitude and accept his hand. He leads me over to the circle of dancers. They whoop and cheer as we join them.

I let my body flow to the music. Orodon dances with me. As we dance with the others around us, we only focus on each other. He picks me up and twirls me around as I laugh. That's when I made my decision, I belong here with him. Now how to tell my uncle?

(Few days later)

I heard Uncle Jake arguing with Grace last night. But I didn't hear what about. Today Uncle Jake and I are going on a spirit quests. To find our spirit animals. If we succeed we will become one of the people.

"When your Spirit Animal comes, you will know" Neytiri tells me as she paints my face. Two other women do my body. Once they were done I put my top back on. We are lead to Mo'at and the elders at the base of a large tree.

"Oh wise worm, eater of the Sacred Tree. Bless these worthy Hunters with a true vision" Mo'at says in Na'vi. (To lazy to translate it sorry). A worm is placed in each of our mouths. Eytukan removes a writhing black arachnoid, the Pandoran equivalent of a scorpion. He places it against the back of Uncle Jake's neck and presses. The insect drives its stinger into Jake's skin and he falls to the ground.

Eytukan looks at me and I nod my head. I turn my head so he'll have access to my neck. He places it there and has it sting me. I'm pulled into a vision as the tribe chants around us as I close my eyes.

I open my eyes to see the tribe is  gone. Replaced by a ring of glowing trees, which seem miles high. The whole image is bathed in spectral radiance. I look down to see my hands turning into large black paws with very sharp claws. I'm soon running through the forest on all fours.

I reach a smooth stream and look at my reflection. To see a palulukan. I look up to see the forest on fire. Fires flicker among trees that are burned black and lifeless in a smoky twilight. The Palulukan lets out an almighty roar.

I'm suddenly back in the real world on my back looking up at the forest canopy gasping for air. I sit up slowly to Uncle Jake do the same. "It is finished" Mo'at tells us. Orodon looks at me relieved. The faces of the clan elders look at Uncle Jake and I expectantly.

"Did your Spirit Animals come?" Eytukan asks us. I look down, how do I tell them of the destruction I had seen in my vision. I look at my uncle to see he to looks conflicted.

"It will take time for the meaning to be clear" Mo'at tells the elders. I stand with my uncle and we go outside to where the rest of the tribe waited for us.

"Ngenga are zoplo a tìrol ulte trr of the eyaye. Ngenga are pak of the People" Eytukan declares. (Translation: You are now a son and daughter of the Omaticaya. You are part of the People). All the members of the clan press forward. Crowding around and putting their hands on our shoulders, back, and torso. Hands upon hands, until we are connected to everyone.

We are now one of the people. A celebration is held. Orodon and I dance again. "I've made my decision and I chose you" I tell him. He smiles and kisses me lightly making me blush. "I have to tell my uncle" I tell him. He nods his head and we start to search for him. But he seems to of disappeared. We found Mo'at, Eytukan and Tsu'tey instead.

"Oel ngati kameie" we all say greeting each other. (Translation: I see you). We all chuckle.

"I have made my decision" I tell them confidently. I interlock my fingers with Orodon. "I love Orodon and wish to become a true Na'vi when I become an adult" I state.

"Oh that is wonderful" Mo'at says hugging me. Tsu'tey congratulates his brother.

"When do you wish to do the mating ceremony? Before or after the ritual?" Eytukan asks me.

"I don't know yet, but we have a few years to decide" I state. "My uncle does not know yet and I wish to be the one to tell him. So please, can this remain between us until then?" I ask. They all agree and Orodon leads me away as I am hungry. We grab a bite to ate and join other young hunters. Listening to them tell stories of their first hunts or how they tamed their ikran. All in all, it was an amazing night.


Picture above if Crystal and on the external link of Jake.

Future chapters:

Tree of Voices Destoryed

Home Tree Falls

Calling all the Clans


Tsu'teys Death

Jake Becomes a Na'vi

Epilogue: Happy Ever After

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