Home Tree Falls

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(Home Tree) Orodon's POV

"Gilrin!" I exclaim when she suddenly faints out of nowhere. I catch her before she could fall. I pick her up bridal style and race down home tree. She needs a healer. When I reach the ground I shout "Someone txum niz, Gilrin fainted!" (Translation: Someone help, Crystal Fainted).

"So gar Jake-Sully ulte Grace" Mo'at states. (Translation: So have Jake Sully and Grace). She gestures me to place Gilrin beside Grace and I do so. Tsu-tey places a calming hand on my shoulder as Mo'at examines all three dream walkers. "O mana ohe can see,  úqua na- raica. It's like 'itan've returned na their firen bodies an some reason. Txìm ke'u by cilme" she tells us. (Translation: From what I can see, nothing is wrong. It's like they've returned to their human bodies for some reason. But not by choice). "Mín tur fu tìran" she adds. (Translation: We can only wait).

We take them somewhere safe and I kneel beside Gilrin. Praying to Ewya that she is ok. I notice Neytiri with Jake Sully. I feel sorry for my brother. But you can't fight love. Besides he was destined to mate with Sylwanin before those Sky People killed her. I'll talk to him once GIlrin wakes and I know she's alright.

(Human Base) Crystal's POV

We were taken back to the main base and Grace hasn't let me leave her side. I'm so confused. What's happening? Why we taken out of our avatars? Did it have to do with what happened at the Tree of Voices? The colonel plays a video and pauses it. It was of Uncle Jake destroying a camera. "You let me down, son" the colonel tells him. "You got a little local pussy and completely forgot what team you play for?" he demands.

"Colonel, there is a child present!" Grace snaps covering my ears. I don't here the next part until I shove her hands away. "Those trees were sacred to the Omaticaya in a way you can't imagine" she tells Selfridge.

"You know what? You throw a stick in the air around here it falls on some sacred fern, for Christ's sake!" he exclaims.

"I'm not talking about pagan voodoo here - I'm talking about something REAL and measurable in the biology of the forest" she tells him.

"Which is *what* exactly?" he asks her.

"What we think we know - is that there's some kind of electrochemical communication between the roots of the trees. Like the synapses between neurons. Each tree has ten to the fourth connections to the trees around it, and there are ten to the twelfth trees on Pandora" she explains.

"That's a lot, I'm guessing" he says.

"That's more connections than the human brain" I tell him matter of factly.

"She's right" Grace agrees. "You get it? It's a network - a global network. And the Na'vi can access it they can upload and download data memories at sites like the one you just destroyed" she states.

"What the HELL have you people been smoking out there?" he asks us with a laugh. I glare at him and the colonel. "They're just. Goddamn. Trees" he states.

"You need to wake up, Parker. The wealth of this world isn't in the ground - it's all around us. The Na'vi know that, and they're fighting to defend it. If you wanna share this world with them, *you* need to understand *them*" she tells him.

"I think we understand them just fine. Thanks to Jake here" the colonel states. Uncle Jake and Grace share a look of horror as Quaritch begins to play Uncle Jake's video log.

"They're not going to give up their home, they're not gonna make a deal. For what? Lite beer and shopping channel? There's nothing we have that they want. We're a horror to them. We're the monsters from space. They're never going to leave Home Tree" he states before it ends.

"Uncle Jake?" I ask him feeling betrayed. He was spying for them? How could he do this to the Omaticaya? How could he do this to Neytiri? To me?

"Crystal, I swear I never meant..." he starts to say looking guilty.

"So since a deal can't be made, I guess things get real simple" Colonel says cutting my uncle off. "Jake, thanks. I'm gettin' all emotional. Might just give you a big wet kiss" he states.

"Norm take Crystal out of the room" Grace says. He nods and leads me away. As they other four all begin to argue.

"Norman, are the Omaicaya going to die? Is Orodon going to die?" I ask trying not the cry.

"Of course not, we'll figure something out" he assures me as we walk to the lab. "Just leave it with us and everything will be fine" he adds as he wraps an arm around my shoulder. I pray Grace can talk some sense into Selfridge.

(Mini time skip)

Grace and Uncle Jake managed to get one last chance to negotiate with the Omaticaya. They were going to leave me behind. But Max showed me a secret hidden room with a link pod inside. I was up to link with my avatar without anyone knowing. Even if they find out, they won't be able to find me or unlink me.

I wake up and see Orodon. I give him a big hug apologizing for worrying him. We then go join the others. To see my uncle addressing the people. I glare at him. "Mana na- raica?" Orodon asks me. (Translation: what is wrong?)

"You're about to find out" I tell him in English.

"Look, they sent me here, to learn your ways, so one day I could bring this message, and that you would believe it" Jake states.

"What are you saying, Jake? You knew this would happen? What of Gilrin?" Neytiri asks him.

"Crystal knew nothing of this, it was all me. Look, at first, it was just orders, and then, everything changed. Okay? I fell in love. I fell in love with the - with the forest, with the Omaticaya people... with you" he tells her trying to hold her. But she backs away.

"I trusted you" she mutters. "I trusted you!" she shouts.

"Trust me, now. Please" he pleads.

"Kawkrr! Ke slayu nga Na'viyä hapxì!" she shouts. (Translation: You will never be one of the people).

"He tried to stop them" Grace states.

"Kawkrr Na'viyä, Kawkrr!" Neytiri shouts. (Translation: Never of The People, never).

"Ma 'ite" Mo'at says in a calm tone. (Translatino: daughter)

"Kehe" Neytiri tells her. (Translation: no)

"Mefoti yìm" Eytukan orders. Grace and Uncle Jake are bound. Orodon holds me close as I begin to shake scared.

"Gilrin, come forward!" Mo'at calls. Orodon squeezes my hand and we approach the leaders. I have my head down. "Did you know of this?" she asks me and I raise my head to look her in the eyes.

"No, I only just found out" I tell her. "This doesn't change anything for me, I want to be a true Na'vi. I will fight for Home Tree and our people" I state.

"Then go tend to Ikran with Orodon. While we deal with the dream walkers" Eytukan tells me.

"Yes clan leader" I say and Orodon leads me away.

"Crystal, you can't stay here!" Uncle Jake shouts. But I ignore him. This is where I belong.

(Time skip)

Orodon and I had just finished feeding the ikran when the first strike hit. The Sky People have come and are attacking Home Tree. Tsu'tey and the warriors appear. He tells us to mount up and we do so. We fly to attack the ships. But we fail in protecting Home Tree as it fell to the ground in flames. We scouted for survivors and guarded them from the skies as we headed for the Tree of Souls.


Pictures above of unconscious Jake and Grace. Picture on the external link of Home Tree Falling.

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