Calling All Clans

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Crystal's POV

We reached the Tree of Souls. We treated the wounded and placed Grace's body somewhere safe. But no one knew where my uncle's body is. They think it perished in the fire. Eytukan died, Tsu'tey is now the clan leader. I haven't slept all night, worried about everything.

Anyway right now I'm praying with the Omaticaya. Mo'at leading the chant. While Tsu-tey watches over us. As we're contacted to the Tree of Souls. "Wise ancestors who live within Eywa, guide us. Give us a sign" Mo'at pleads. We sing to Eywa and I feel Orodon hold my hand. I smile.

We continue to sing a song filled with tragic loss and yearning for deliverance. When a shadow falls over us. I look up and gasp in shock with the others. As Toruk Macto comes out of the sun, beating its huge wings to slow its descent. Its crimson and black wings, backlit by the sun, seem to glow from within.

We cry out in alarm. As it lands, scattering. That's when I noticed someone was riding it. "Toruk Macto" Mo'at whispers.

"Uncle" I say in shock as he dismounts Toruk Macto. It folds its wings and stands calmly amid the paralyzed Na'vi. Uncle Jake strokes the magnificent animal's flank.

"Toruk Macto!" Neytiri shouts. On the faces of the Omaticaya new hope dawning in their eyes. Jake walks through the crowd heading for Neytiri, Mo'at and Tsu'tey. He reaches Neytiri first at the foot of the dais. Whose eyes are fall of tears. "I was afraid Jake for my people. I'm not any more" she tells him.

Jake takes Neytiri's hand and climbs the steps of the dais with her. Mo'at steps back in awe as he approaches. He turns to Tsu'tey, who stares at him with fear and incomprehension. "Ma Tsu'tey te Rongloa, Ateyo'itan. Eo ngenga kllkxem ohe, alaksì Omatikayaru, kìte'e sivi" uncle Jake says in Na'vi. (Translation: Tsu'tey of the Rongloa, son of Ateyo.I stand before you, ready to serve the Omaticaya people).

"You are Olo'eyctan, and you are the best warrior. I can't do this without you" Jake tells him in English. Tsu'tey struggles with his emotions. Orodon and I join them.

"Toruk Macto, I'll fly with you brother" Tsu'tey states.

"Uncle" I say.

"Crystal" he says relieved and hugs me. "I'm so glad you're alright" he states.

"Orodon has been taking good care of me" I tell him. "How are Grace and the others?" I ask him. He gives me a sad smile.

"Grace is dying" he tells me. He turns to Mo'at as Orodon hugged me close. "Grace is dying. I beg the help of the Great Mother" he begs.

"Bring her, JakeSully" she tells him. He left and soon returned with Grace. We all connect with the tree again. In order to perform the ritual to save all of Grace into her na'vi body. We start to chant. The grotto is dark except for the spectral glow of the willows.

"Tìng mikyun ayoheru rutxe, ma Nawma Sa'nok" Mo'at says. (Translation: Hear us please, Great Mother).

"Srung si poeru, ma Eywa" I chant with the crowd. (Translation: Eywa, help her).

"Pori tireati, munge mì nga" Mo'at says. (Translation: Take this spirit into you).

"Srung si poeru, ma Eywa" we repeat.

"Ulte tìng ayoer nì'eyng hu ngeyä ya" Mo'at says. (Translation: and breathe her back to us).

"Srung si poeru, ma Eywa" we repeat.

"Tivìran po ayoekip, Na Na'viyä hapxì" Mo'at says. (Translation: Let her walk among us, as one of The People).

"Srung si poeru, ma Eywa" we repeat.

"Lu hasey" Mo'at tells us and we stop chanting. (Translation: it's finished). It didn't work, Grace was to weak to survive the ritual. She is one of Ewya now. Uncle Jake and Tsu-tey stand side beside to address us all.

"The Sky People have sent a message that they can take whatever they want, and no one can stop them. But we will send them a message. Ride out, as fast as the wind can carry you, tell the other clans to come. Tell them Toruk Macto calls to them. Fly now with me brothers and sisters! Fly! And we will show the Sky People that this is our land!" Uncle Jake states. As Tsu-tey translated for those who don't understand English.

He finishes with a bloodcurdling war-cry, and we return it with our own. Uncle Jake takes Neytiri's hand and runs to the leonopteryx. He vaults onto its back and pulls her up behind him. All those with Ikran, mount them. Including Orodon and I. Uncle Jake's leonopteryx rises on mighty wings into the night sky. With a thunder of wings, we take off after it.

We rode out to the four winds. To the horse clans of the plain, to the ikran people of the mountains. When Toruk Macto called them, they came. All the clans, honouring his call.


Picture above of Jake riding Toruk Macto and picture on the external link of the Omaticaya praying at the Tree of Souls.

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