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1. Discharge of a firearm

2. Hurts like hell to be

3. Discharge of a weapon in general

Song for the chapter:

This is Gonna Hurt - Sixx:AM

I wake up in Doc's guest bed with IVs and machines all around me, I'm dressed in a black tshirt and my black leggings.

As I go to sit up I feel it, the pain. The pain that has become all too familiar.

"Mother fucker!" I hiss in my pain as I fall back onto the bed sheets

Why is it me who always gets shot? Am I a bullet magnet or something? What is this? The third time? Jesus fucking Christ this is bullshit.

"Hey Jackie, how you feeling?" Doc asks as he walks into the bedroom

"Like shit." I say

Doc laughs, "Yeah, you'll feel like that for a while..."

I nod, "I know, I've gotten shot two other times."

Doc looks at me with sorrow in his eyes, "You were out for almost four days Jackie."

My eyes widen, "Why?"

I was only out for a day or two at the most the first time and didn't black out at all the second.

"Well for the past twenty days you've been malnourishing your body, you haven't been eating or sleeping and you drink straight vodka and smoke cigarettes everyday. It's not good for you, you almost flatlined this time Jackie." I hear a falter in Doc's voice as he talks about me almost dying

"Well shit." I scoff

"No Harley!" Oh no, real name shit's serious, "It's not just 'well shit'," he says in a mocking tone, "You've got to get your shit together before you actually do die! I can't handle losing someone else Harley! You're the only family I got! You and I made a deal after Tony passed that we wouldn't leave each other voluntarily. Time to hold up your end of the deal!"

I look down before meeting Doc's tear-filled eyes, "Okay. I'll shape up, I promise."

He sighs in relief, "Thank God. I'll go tell Harry to make you food since I still can't cook worth shit." He laughs

I attempt to laugh but fail miserably when I feel the pain in my stomach.

This is absolute shit. My shoulder isn't even totally healed yet and I got shot yet again.

Where the fuck is Louis? Oh my God. I need a shot.

You can't do that though... My subconscious mocks me

I groan, I'm not even fucking comfortable. This is by far the worst shot wound yet, even the one in my side was manageable.

Okay. I'm going to stand up. I got this.

I slowly swing my feet to the edge, "Shit." I mumble

I sit up ever so slowly, "Damnit." I grit my teeth

My hand grips the IV pole, okay. "One, two, three." I stand up

"Fuck!" I yell, opps...

I close my mouth, tighten my jaw, and start to walk with the help of the rolling IV machine.

One foot in front of the other I finally make it to the damned door only to have it swing open.

Harry is carrying a tray of waffles, bacon, and apple juice. Yum.

His face holds a worried expression, "What the hell Harley? You need to rest!"

I roll my eyes, "I'm fine, see I'm even standing." I put on a smile even though my body is filled with pain

Harry walks past me, putting the tray down on the bedside table before coming back over to me.

"Come on Harley." He says as he slowly picks me up and sets me back down on the bed

"You're stronger than I thought." I laugh

He nods and laughs before walking back out of the room.

After I'm done eating, Doc comes in so he can give me more pain meds.

"Louis!" I yell from my room

I'm jacked up on pain killers and probably look like I've drank too much caffeine but I don't give a fuck.

Louis walks into my room, "Where the hell have you been?" I ask in a giggly tone

"Downstairs." He answers

I point my finger at him, "You lie!"

He laughs, "What does Doc have you on?"

"Shit that's not your business." I say, still pointing a finger at him

"Why are you pointing at me?"

"Because you lie!"

Louis bursts out laughing, I pucker my bottom lip out in a puppy dog style.

"Oh don't be sad baby," Louis says as he continues to laugh at me.

"Tell me where you were Tommo the meanie butt!" I say in a serious tone, finger still pointed at the boy

He puts his hands up in surrender, "I was taking care of some business."

I put my finger down, "Why?"

"Because I run a gang." He laughs

I turn serious, "Who shot me?"

Louis' features stiffen with my words, "Uh- well..."

"Just fucking say it Tomlinson!" I yell

Damn that caught him off guard, his eyes look like they'll pop out of his skull. I hope they don't, I really like his eyes... What the hell did Doc put me on?

"Okay okay, it was Isabella..." He trails

I scoff, "No it wasn't."

"Harley I wouldn't lie."

"My own sister wouldn't have shot me Louis! We just made up!" I yell

"I swear that she did though! She isn't hard to point out in a crowd, it was definitely her." He justifies

"Well-i-no, no no, she didn't shoot me! Where is she?" I ask frantically

"Harley just calm down, we'll handle this tomorrow after you sleep okay?" Louis pushes me back down on the bed, forcing me to lie down

I huff, "Fine."

Louis gives me an innocent kiss on the forehead before he walks back out of the room, leaving me alone with only my thoughts and the continuous beep from the heart monitor.

I slowly fall into a terrifying sleep, filled with thoughts of my only sister shooting me.


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Read on my g-landers(:
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