Shooting Star

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Shooting Star
[shoot-ing stahr]

1. Meteor

2. Something to wish upon

3. Angel's cigarettes

Songs for the chapter:

Sure Feels Right - Sixx:AM

Sober - P!nk

"Harley?" I hear a voice whisper from beside me

I just hum in response, keeping my eyes shut.

"Wanna do something fun?" The voice continues to bug me

I just nod, not knowing exactly what's going on.

I feel two strong arms wrap around my small frame, carrying me out of the room bridal style. My face nuzzles in their chest as they continue to walk.

The smell of nicotine and cologne invade my senses, Louis.

I smile to myself until I feel cold wind on my skin, then I'm laid down on a flat surface.

My eyes finally open, I'm outside, lying on a Doc's flat roof with Louis lying next to me. We're starring at the stars above us. Just like the night we met, hell, if someone would have told me then that I'd be lying on a roof with Louis Tomlinson as I continue to fall more and more in love with him, I'd punch them in the face for making such accusations.

"The stars never fail to amaze me." Louis whispers as he lights a cigarette, sucking in his cheeks as he inhales the addicting nicotine. I've never really watched someone smoke with such attention before but the sight of him sucking in His cheeks and then blowing out the smoke with ease causes shivers to travel down my spine.

"Yeah, they're pretty amazing." I finally respond

Louis doesn't look at me as he speaks but I know he's talking to me by the way he points to the shooting start in the sky with his cigarette as he speaks, "When my grandma caught me smoking for the first time we were outside and the stars were shinning kind of like they are tonight, she just sighed, shook her head, and laughed before she told me that shooting stars are really just angels throwing away their cigarettes before God could catch them smoking. I don't know why she said it, but that's all she said before she walked back inside."

I stare at Louis in pure admiration as he tells me the beautiful story, "Your grandma sounds amazing." I smile

He nods his head before sorrow fills his eyes, "Yeah she was..."

I bite my lip, "My grandma was the only family member that gave a shit about me besides Tony, she died when I was only fourteen."

"Mine meant everything to me, she was the only one in my family besides Lottie that didn't judge me when she found out about Rogue. She passed away a year ago, it was the hardest thing I've done since my mum and sisters." He confesses

I just nod my head, wrapping my arms around his torso as I cuddle into his chest. I don't think a situation like this is in need of words, sometimes just the touch of someone you care for is meaning enough.

I stay awake, counting and wishing on every shooting star I see, which is only two but still. My eyes meet Louis' closed ones, he always looks so peaceful when he's asleep. It's as if he isn't a gang leader whose even thought to kill a man, he's just an innocent boy. A boy that I've missed more than anything, a boy that can make or break me, a boy that has stolen every piece of my heart even though I won't admit it, a boy that I've fallen for. Like a shooting star, I've fallen from my safe place up high for him. I just pray to God that he doesn't let me hit the ground.

Shortish chapter butttt it's up!

i DO NOT take credit in Louis' 'definition' of a shooting star, i actually got it off of an instagram post so if you've ever seen it don't be like "Oh Lounna is a stealing bitch." No. Okay? I DONT take credit for it in any way, i just liked it so i used it(:

Read on my g-landers!!
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