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1. State of mind

2. Anxiety, worry, or concern

3. Hurts like a bitch to do so

Song for the chapter:
Good girls bad guys - falling in reverse

I wake up with a loud groan, damn my head is killing me.

I start to sit up and feel an instant main in my...well my lady area. How much did I drink last night?

Oh fuck. Last night!

I look down to see an asleep and naked Harry beside me. I look at myself to find that I am naked also.

Mother fucking shit.

Memories from last night fill my hazy mind.

I gasp at the memories, looking down at the still sleepy Harry. Damn I'm hungry.

I swing my feet over the edge of the bed, taking a bed sheet to cover myself up.

I stand up and literally fall back down due to the pain in my legs. That's how you know you had good sex.

I finally regain my balance and walk out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

My feet pat against the tile floor beneath them, I should have brought socks. My feet are cold now. Damnit.

Harry's flat is unbelievably clean for a guy but I admire the beautiful black decor against the white walls and concrete floors.

Concrete floors, my apartment has concrete floors. God I miss my apartment-- wait. Hold the fuck up. Our apartment. Louis and I's apartment. Louis. Louis Tomlinson. My 'lover'.

"Shit." I groan.

Oh well, he's the one whose being a dick. I'll pick my stuff up today and then go back to Bradford and stay with Doc for a bit.

I tip toe into Harry's room, grabbing my clothes and hurrying to get them on.

I leave a note saying what I was doing and thanking him for last night.

A huff escapes my pale lips as I close the front door behind me, putting on my sunglasses and putting my hood up.

The apartment is walking distance so I'll just walk. Easy enough.


Sure. 'Easy enough' not with a fucking hang over!

I groan as I make it to the apartment door.

I push the key in the key hole, but it doesn't fit. Fucking Louis had the locks changed!

I knock on the door so loud that it hurts my own head.

A sleepy Louis answers the door. His hair is disheveled and his plaid pj pants hang low on his bare chest.

"What?" He snaps

I roll my eyes, "You got the locks changed."

He smirks, "I did a lot last night love."

Once again I roll my eyes pushing past him, "So did I." I whisper in his ear, wiping the smirk from his lips

I walk in and immediately see a pants-less Lydia sitting on the couch with her feet propped up.

She smirks an evil smirk, "Nice to see you again Harley."

I smile a cocky smile, "Nice to see you too Lydia." I mock her nasally high pitched voice

I stroll into the bedroom, grabbing my suitcase and begin to load it with clothes.

Where the hell are the boys? Maybe they left since Lydia the whore is here.

"What do you mean you did a lot last night?" I hear Louis ask as he shuts the door behind him

I shrug, "I meant the same thing you did."

"I meant that I fucked Lydia. What the hell did you mean?" Louis asks through gritted teeth

I groan for the thousandth time today.

"You smell like sex and boos." Louis scrunches his face, then widens his eyes and takes the sunglasses from my face.

Damn it's bright.

"Give them back you dicksnap." I sigh

"Who'd you fuck?" He winces as the sentence leaves his lips

I just look at him with emotionless eyes.

"Harley just fucking tell me!" He exclaims

"Harry." I say simply and without a hint of reluctance

Louis looks honestly hurt but I don't care. He slept with Lydia so he can't say he's any better.

"H-Harry?" He stutters

I nod my head, "Yes. Harry."


"What the hell does that mean?" I spit

"You slept with someone else."

"You slept with Lydia! Not because you wanted to but because you knew that I'd hate that more than anything."

"And you slept with my best mate."

"At least your best mate treats me good." I remark

"I treat you amazingly! You're just too wrapped up in your self pity to give a shit!"

"Oh really!? Louis I care so fucking much about you that it eats me alive daily! I hate the fact that I care so fucking much about you so I act like I could give a shit so when you finally realize you deserve better I don't get hurt!" I scream with tear-filled eyes

Louis' eyes hold tears, not of anger but of genuine sorrow.

When he doesn't say anything I speak up, "But you realized that already right? You've known from the moment that you met me that you could have me wrapped around your finger with one caring look. But you're done caring Louis, and so am I."

I run out of the apartment before he can see me cry.

No, a bar isn't going to make the pain disappear, but it'll make the pain go away for a little bit.

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