All together!

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Leon:Are you ready?
Yup-I said
*Knock knock
Leon:I will get it
*opens the door
Everyone:Heeeeey! ..Fraaan!!!-I said
I said you to invite 3 persons + you ..NOT THE WHOLE STUDIO!!-I said
Fran:Hey calm down
I can't because Tomas and Alex and Diego are here!-I said
Fran:Don't worry
Ughhhh!!!-I said and walked up to Leon
I'm so mad!!-I said
Leon:Me too..Diego,Alex and Tomas are here too..and Ludmila..:D
:D don't worry about her...she got nicer-I said
Leon:As you say
I'm going with the girls-I said
Leon:Kay*he kissed me on the cheek*

*The party is great until..

*We all sat in a circle*
Federico:I'll start
~The bottle landed on Violetta
Federico:Vilu I dare you to kiss Leon for 10 seconds :D
No prob-I said
*We kissed for more than 10 seconds*
Federico:Hey you too!Time is up
Leon:Sorry bro :D
Okay my turn -I said and spined the bottle ,it landed on Alex (aaa?!)
Um..Well I..*i looked at Leon and he looked back and then:
Leon:Vilu I forgot my phone..wanna come with me
Sure-I said

Cami:Let's spay them :D
Fran:Yes :D
Everyone:Let's go

*In Violetta's room:
Leon thanks (:-I said
Leon:No prob
Where are they gonna go home-I said
Leon:Why :D
I want us to know..-I said
Leon:Let's continue it now :D
No!-I said
Cuz they can see us wait I will check something on my phone -I said
*I texted Leon:
Leon I'm sure they are spying on us..let's open the door quietly -I texted
Leon*texts back:Okay
Leon:*whispering-Ready? 3,2,1:
Everyone:Oops :D
*they start running
*2 hours later
Bye-I said
Everyone:Bye,see you tomorrow
Leon:Finally :D can't catch me 😜* I started running
Leon:We will see that! :D
*he started running and then he holded me bridly..and then putted me on the bed
Leon:Got you my love
Ugh you always catch mee!! :D - I said
Leon: yup I know :D
Kiss me now!-I said
Leon:Lol kay,don't kill me
*we kissed and kissed and kissed...
Leon:Well that's what I call a kiss :D
Yeah yeah,go to sleep-I said
Leon:Good night princess
Night -I said

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