Aaah <3

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The next day I woke up by having a phone call.It was..DIEGO!!!
*On the phone*
Diego what do you waant?!-I said angry and sleepy
Diego:Hey beauty queen :P what's up?
Don't ever call me that way again!!What do you want?Why are you calling me 100 times a day?What do you want FROM ME?!-I said very annoyed and angry.
Diego:Wow Violetta calm down.I just wanted to hear how are you..
WELL IM GREAT,THANKS FOR ASKING..NOW BYE!!-I said,and when I was about to hung up:
Diego:Violetta wait
What?-I said
Diego:Do you wanna go out with me?
Diego:Oh okay I'm very sorry for asking..bye..I won't bother you anymore..
Bye..I said confused
*Angie woke up*
Heyy(:-I said smiling,pretending that nothing happend.
Angie:Who was that?
Who was who?-I said again pretending.
Angie:The guy on the phone..
Oh that was Diego-I said
Angie:And why is he calling you?
Idk..I think after this conversation he won't call me anymore-I said
Angie:I heard everything:D
You did?!Im sorry :D-I said laughing
Angie:It's okay(:What do you wanna do now?
Actually I have to go meet up with Leon ..hope you don't mind ..-I said
Angie:No it's okay..don't worry
Are you sure?-I said smiling
Angie:Yes,yes don't worry I'll be fine,just go
Okay,bye (:-I said
Angie:Byee,have fun ;*
*Time skip*
~In the park~
Leon:So how is the most beautiful girl in the world.(Leon said making me blush)
I'm good and you-I said while sighing.
Leon:Are you sure?
Yes,yes..don't worry(:-I said
*Leon was watching me with a 'inlove' face*
What?-I said laughing
Leon:Nothing,just that you are so beautiful..
Aww<3 -I said blushing
*Leon camed up to me and kissed me*
~Leon walked me home and kissed me on the cheek and then walked away.

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