Back Again❤️

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I was running after Leon and then when I was going to fall down#again :D,someone catched was Diego..we looked in each other's eyes:
Diego:Hey baby ;)
Diego why did you catched me you nerd?!-I said
Diego:What?You prefer to fall? :D
Uumm..y-y..that doesn't matter leave me alone-I said and started running
Diego:*screaming*:Where are you going?
To find Le-,you know what it's not your business-I said

~Leon's POV:
I can't believe this:(Are they together or not?Well I don't care..We broke up so..
I was thinking and then I bumped into a girl:
Are you alright?-I asked
Let me help you get up-I said
*she got up*
??Thanks,again,I'm Lara
I'm Leon,nice to meet you Lara(:-I said
Lara:So um how are you
Well I was better before-I said
Lara:What happened?
Problems with my girlfriend-I said
Lara:Oh so have a girlfriend?
Not actually..idk if we are still together or not..
Lara:Hey don't be sad,everything is gonna be alright :)
*Violetta is coming:
Violetta:Leon,I'm very sorry pls forgive me nothing happend
I'm busy now-I said
*Vilu looks up to Lara:
..Violetta:Aham so now you have a new girlfriend ,I can't believe you Leon,let me explain
*Diego is coming:
Diego:Hey Vilu,missed me?
Violetta:Oh my goodness!!I wanna talk to Leon...alone if he wants..
..Okay-I said
*everyone is spying and listening:
Violetta:Leon I will tell you the truth about what happend..
Go one!-I said
Violetta:I saw Diego when we were in Disney Land and that's why I told you to get water and:
Diego are you doing here?-I said angry
Diego:I want to tell you something
Go one then!-I said
Diego:Violetta I love you,will you be my girlfriend?
WHAT?!Diego are you insane?Im with Le-*before I could finish my sentence he kissed me :(
*I backed off*
~End of Flashback~
Violetta:Do you believe me now?
Yeah,I'm sorry,let's get back to Buenos Aires my love-I said
Violetta:I love when you call me my love :*
*Lara and Diego are coming back:
Lara:I'm going to Buenos Aires to sign up for a studio called On you guys know it?
Violetta:Yes we learn there
~Violetta's POV:
*We took the flight and we felt asleep.Leon was next to me.Im so happy we are back together.

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