Tomletta <3

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I was so happy that Leon and I kissed.It was like a dream,but the thing that's causing me trouble is..that me and Tomas kissed too :/ I was going to the studio like usual I went to search for Leon and when I saw him ... He was with Tomas.They were arguing for something and just when Leon was going to hit Tomas I runned to them:
What's going on here?!!??!-I said mad
Tomas:That idiot was going to hit me
Leon:Who are you calling an idiot,JERK!!
Heyy guys stop!Why are you even arguing about?-I said
ME?! WHY?!WHAT ABOUT!?-I said surprised
Tomas:Because he said that you both kissed is that true?
Y-yes..-I said
Tomas wait..I said
*I followed Tomas:
Tomas wait,please-I said running after him
Tomas:Why?!Why did you kissed him?!
I'm sorry but I have feelings for him too ..please forgive me :'(
Tomas:I don't care
*I started to run after Tomas and i felt down
Tomas:VIOLETAAAAA....Oh no that's all my fold..
*Tomas carried me to my house and then we kissed softly and then he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes.
Now I have to tell Leon..
Hey Leon I have to tell you something-I said
We need to break up's not your fault..
Leon:I don't care bye.
I was going to cry.. I'm very stupid..:(

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