~Little Secrets :

Start from the beginning


"Thanks again for helping me, Yani. You're the best best friend of the world." RJ thanked his friend as they were going towards McDonald's. Yani's godmother was very nice and gave the job to him. The interview was quick, but good. RJ couldn't wait to tell his parents, so they could finally leave him alone for awhile. 

She smiled, "You're welcome, Richard." 

He groaned, "Don't call me like that ! Nobody calls me Richard."

She chuckled, "Anyways. What do you think about Trevor ? " She asked as they were walking in the restaurant with his little siblings. 

"RJ, mummy won't be too happy to know that we got ice cream before dinner." One of the twins said causing her oldest brother to roll his eyes. 

"If you tell her nothing, she wont' know." 

"So, you suggest us to lie to our mother ? " Su asked raising her eyebrow.

RJ sighed, "You're not lying to her, you're just not telling her everything. Now go sit down somewhere and with Yani we're gonna get each one of you a McFlurry. Okay ? " The little kids nodded their heads and did as he said. 

Then him and Yani went to order, "Why were you talking about Trevor ? " 

She shrugged, "Oh...Uh...he wants us to go on a date together." She answered nonchalantly.

RJ frowned, "Don't go." Trevor was one of his teammates and he was known throughout the school as a player. He was sleeping with a different girl every day, flirting all the time, he just didn't know what meant to be in a serious relationship and he didn't care about the feelings of all the females he was messing with. RJ didn't want his best friend to be involved with that pig.

"And why ? " She asked folding her arms.

His frown only deepened, "I don't even know why you're asking that question ! You know exactly why ! And you're not one of these easy girls who open their legs to every guys they just met."

"Maybe I want to change that." She said provocatively. 

"What the fuck ?! No ! That's not you ! "

"I'm tired to be always the nice girl, RJ ! It's my last year in high school, I want to have fun...like everybody." 

He couldn't believe his ears, "Did you take drugs or what ?! Having fun shouldn't be your main focus this year, but to graduate ! "

She snorted with laughter, "You're such a hypocrite ! Anyways, you're not my dad, so you won't tell what I can or not do with my life."

"Why did you ask me what I think about Trevor then ? It was just to get me mad ? Yani, I don't want you to get hurt by him. He just wants to get in your panties, it's simple to understand that like hello. You're worth much more and you can do way better than him. You deserve to be treated like a queen. Trevor won't respect you like you deserve it. Please, don't go on this date with him." He said sincerely. 

She smiled weakly, "Are you really honest when you're saying that I deserve to be treated like...a queen ? " She asked shyly, then placed some hair behind her right ear. 

He nodded his head, "Of course, I'm honest. You're future boyfriend will be a lucky guy to have you." He didn't know, but what he just said made Yanisha's heart jumped excitedly in her chest and a big and genuine smile to appear on her face, but she hid it as soon as it came and replaced it with a smaller one. 

"Thanks, I really appreciate your friendship. You always know what to tell me."

"No problem." They hugged each other and then it was their time to order their food. RJ was grateful to have a friend like Yani in his life, she was really precious to his heart. He could actually kill for her if it was the only way for her to be happy and safe, that's how much he loved her. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here ? Get off my girl, Willkingston ! "

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•A/N: I know it's going slowly, but there will be more action soon. I don't know when I'll be able to update the next chapter, but I'll try to do it as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading guys ! 

Ciss¥ItsM€ 💋✌

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