~YOU're Out :

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•Chapter 16.


"I love the bracelet auntie Tamy bought me ! " Su said happily staring at her new jewelry.

"I love mine too ! " Her twin sister, Suzanne, agreed with her.

"I'm glad you all had a good time at grandma's." Tinashe said from the driver seat smiling. They had a good time and it felt good to be away from all the tension of the house.

"Yeah, thanks for bringing us there." RJ thanked her beaming.

"No problem." She grinned at him.

She turned left and then drove straight for a couple of minutes, before to turn left again and there were in their neighborhood. In less than five minutes, the car was in their driveway and Tinashe had stopped the engine. They all got out of the car not knowing what was waiting for them at home. 

Upstairs, Richard was running after Jessie and trying to get her out. He had called the police, but for some reason they were taking all their time. 

"Jessie, get the fuck out of here ! My family is gonna be there very soon."

She giggled shrugging, "I don't care." She then pulled her top off, leaving herself in her short shorts, heels and bra now.

"But I do care ! OUT ! " And suddenly he stopped moving hearing the front door slam. His heart immediately started beating faster and he felt like he was about to faint. He was panicking, "Oh shit ! You really need to go. I don't want you ! "

"But I want you ! I can give you a head real quick and next time, come to my place and I'll give you more." She winked at him.

He could throw up right now, "This dick as my whole body and soul is the property of Tinashe Willkingston. Leave this house ! "

She shook her head, "All of this is going to be mine very soon, believe that." He looked into her eyes and he could see something in there. There was fire mixed with something else, but he could't quite put his finger on it. Though he already had a little idea.


He really needed to get her out of not only his, but his family's life also as soon as possible, "Never." 

Downstairs, the kids went in the kitchen to get some snacks as Tinashe and RJ were making their way upstairs, "I think...that I'm gonna make the first step with dad, or we will never be done with this." RJ said and his mother nodded.

She smiled, "Aw, you're growing. But, don't feel obliged to do this if you don't really want to. It's his fault if you're not talking to each other."

"Yeah, but I can't keep living like this." 

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