~Can A Girl And A Boy Be Just Friends ? :

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•Chapter 4.

{ Two Weeks Later }

Tinashe got out of her car and gave the keys to the valet, who went to park it for her. She walked in the restaurant and asked politely the host to be led to her table if it was ready. The host nodded his head and guided her until her destination. She thanked him and sat down. A couple of minutes later, Fanny joined her. 

"Hey, how are you ? " She greeted happily, but frowned when she saw Fancy's face. She looked sad, angry and hurt. 

"I'm fine, I guess. And what about you ? How are the kids ? " Her voice was lifeless. 

Tinashe was wondering what was wrong with her friend. She didn't sound like this when they talked on the phone to settle their girl date two days ago. Things can change so quickly, "I'm good and the kids are fine. What's going on ? I can see you're not okay." 

Fanny sighed and stayed silent for a little moment, "I think Doug is cheating on me." She said that so calm, but it was cold also, it was frightening Tina. 

Her frown only deepened, "What ? What do you mean ? Are you sure ? " She questioned a bit taken by surprise. 

"Yeah. Every time he received a call and we're together, he has to leave the room. Every Saturday night, he comes home towards one in the morning saying that he was with some friends, but I know it's not true. And the other day, I saw a text message from a certain Sarah. I wasn't sure about this at first, but I took time yesterday and really thought about it and now I know. What should I do ? " 

Tinashe didn't really know what to tell her. Maybe she was wrong and believing in things that didn't even exist, but with the little things she told her...who knows ? 

"Talk with him before to jump on conclusions. What was the text about ? " 

"Actually, it was a picture and...she was totally naked. She asked him to meet her today." She answered trying to hold the tears back. 

"Meet him where ? " Tinashe continued to question her. 

Fanny shrugged, "I don't know. It was just meet me today. They surely have a little place together. I can't believe he's really doing this to me."

"Well, I hope you're not right and maybe he's organizing something for you." But why she telling her that ? It was obvious he was sleeping with another woman.

Fanny shook her head laughing dryly, "No. He's cheating on me. Look, do you think Richard can help me to find out what is really going on between that bitch and my soon-to-be ex-husband ? So I'll know exactly how I'll have to kill him."

"Fae, I can already tell that it's going to be a real mess." 

"Please, Tina. I really need to know. I'm like ninety-nine percent sure he's cheating, but there is one percent left."

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