chapter 9

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Rhapsody was with Rodolphus in potions waiting for class to start. The twins always got to class as early as they could so they'd have time to talk and spend time together for a bit. Being in different houses meant they barely saw each other, and potions class was a good opportunity for them to catch up.

"Have Mother and Father owled you yet?" Rodolphus asked.

"Of course not," Rhapsody scoffed. "Rab has, though. Said he's bored, and decided to tell Shirley Alvarado he's suspended. He's been spending time with her a couple times a week."

"He wrote me too, but he never said that!" Rodolphus squeaked. 

"He's probably worried you'd tell Mother and Father," Rhapsody shrugged. "Have they owled you at all?"

"Nope. Usual though, right?"

"Tell me about it. You'd think they didn't lov-"

"Hi Rodolphus!" a voice called dreamily, and the twins spun around to find Sarah Davies walking by with another Slytherin girl. 

"Merlin help me," Rodolphus muttered, groaning and hiding his head in his hands. Rhapsody found this very amusing.

"Maybe next time Slughorn picks the partners, he'll put you with her," she suggested.

"Oh lord, no, I'd jump off the astronomy tower! Ugh, why couldn't one of the pretty ones fancy me?" 

"Ooo, which pretty ones?" Rhapsody elbowed her brother, wiggling her eyebrows at him. In return, the boy shoved her arm away and suppressed a laugh.

"Shove off. I meant that Davies isn't necessarily the most attractive in the lot, y'know?"

"Who is?"

"Anyone but her."

"Oh, don't be so mean, you twat." Rhapsody rolled her eyes.

"I didn't lie though," Rodolphus grinned, and Rhapsody rolled her eyes once again.

The twins didn't notice the classroom was now full, and Slughorn was just about to begin the lesson. Before they began to make the potion, the professor came over and gave the twins a warning.

"Now, I certainly don't like giving students detention, but if you two continue to misbehave, that may be the consequence. No more wasting supplies, no more disruptive behaviour, am I understood?"

"Yes, sir." the twins chorused. It was very difficult for them to stay focused, but they made it through without a detention. At the end of the class, the twins waved their goodbyes, and then went off to their separate houses. 

For once, Rhapsody didn't stare at Bellatrix Black for the slightest bit during the lesson.

∗ ∗ ∗

The month of September was very long, filled with walks around the lake while trudging through the colourful fall leaves, pillow fights in the dormitories, and lazy days in the library. Occasionally Rhapsody and her friends would play a huge game of hide and seek in the castle, with limits of course, but the game would last all day. 

Today was one of those days. The group had decided that every Saturday would be one where they played this game, and at this point many others in Ravenclaw had joined in now, like Oscar's other friends. And Oscar's friends brought their friends, who brought their friends. Basically all of the second years in their house. Well, today was a Sunday, but all the new joiners wanted to play it a second time.

So Rhapsody ran through the corridors, trying to find somewhere to hide in their ten minutes of time. After the ten minutes, the two people would go off searching, and once they found someone, they were allowed to search as well, until only one person was left over hiding. 

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