chapter 1

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It was a regular summer day at the Lestrange household. The three children played abouts in the yard, although the twins were beginning to insist they were too grown up to play games. But still, they ran through the grass with their younger brother, shielding their squinted eyes from the bright sun.

The year was 1962, a sunny August afternoon, and twins Rhapsody and Rodolphus were awaiting the first day of September, which was the day they start their first year at Hogwarts. Their younger brother, Rabastan, still had two more years left before his letter came, but he was set on believing that it would come this year, since in his opinion he was to be a very talented wizard.

Rhapsody went over to the shade and plopped down next to her brothers in the grass, her long dark hair brushing her tailbone. She'd been growing out her locks for years, snapping at anyone who tried to persuade her to trim them.

"Get in here!" Falinae, the children's mother shrieked from the porch, waving at them aggressively with her thin hand. (pronounced Fuhleena, the blonde hated when she was called Falinay). The three kids scurried over, ducking their heads as they followed their mother inside the large mansion.

They eventually got to the sitting room, where their father, Reinhard, sat in his chair.

"Go wash up, you've been outside," he glared, and the Lestrange children hurried off to the washroom, lathering their hands with soap.

Rhapsody had always hated their house, especially the smell of the soap, which could give you a nosebleed with its strong smell. Most kids her age would be honored to live in such a lovely home, with lots of money and on top of all that, be the heir to one of the most well-known families in the wizarding world. But for Rhapsody, she just wished she could be normal, and not have so much pressure on her shoulders from such a young age. She didn't really have any of the same views on things as her parents, but she wouldn't dare say so. Rhapsody was a rather smart girl, and she read for hours on end whenever she could. But she also had common sense. She knew exactly the right thing to say for every situation, and knew when to bite her tongue.

When the three got back to the sitting room, their parents motioned for them to sit, which they did, of course.

"Do you know why you're here?" Reinhard asked, his voice powerful. Rhapsody nodded quickly, while her brothers did so hesitantly. Her father turned to look at her, his dark eyes staring into her blue ones, questioning her.

"Our letters have come," Rhapsody shrugged as if it were the most simple thing in the world. She knew that the letters had arrived on her and Rodolphus's birthday, June 19th, but their parents kept them hidden until the last minute, as they didn't want too much celebration on one day.

"Indeed they have," Reinhard said as his wife slid two envelopes across the coffee table.

"There's only two!" Rabastan yelped angrily.

"You know you're only nine, dear," Falinae began, her eyes narrowing.

"I don't care! I'm just as good as them!" he pointed at his siblings, who were dying to tear open the letters.

"Quiet, my son," Reinhard snarled. "Your time will come. Now, Rodolphus, Rhapsody, you are excused. Go begin to pack your trunks."

Ignoring their brother's protesting, the twins stood up with a polite bow of their heads, then proceeded up the long flight of stairs. As soon as they were out of their parents' view, they opened their letters.

"What house do you want to be placed in?" Rhapsody asked as she followed her twin into his and Rabastan's shared room.

Rodolphus stared at his sister as if she had three heads. "There's only one choice, Slytherin of course."

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