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One more time.

If he slaps him one more goddamn time while laughing, he swears to god that he will snap. The sounds of his best friend's laughter were awfully similar to a windshield wipe in action. Not only that, his alpha best friend had the tendency to lean on the closest thing to himself -currently him- and slap it. If he paid close attention to his own skin, he could already feel the throbbing ache because of the force.

"Hyung!" The youngest male almost seemed to bark the honorific when exclaiming it. He's had enough. "Stop it! It wasn't funny," he added while rolling his eyes and pushing himself further away from the eldest alpha male whose eyes shifted from laughter to a scoff.

"Jungkook, it was funny! Another one! Why did Santa's helper feel sad? Because he has low elf-esteem!"

And Seokjin just slapped the couch instead of Jungkook's thighs. They were at it again.

Kim Seokjin and Jungkook were being the same dynamic crackheads duo. Ever since the elder alpha changed middle schools when they were younger, even if he was one year older than him, they became inseparable. Middle school and high school were years filled with the two chaotic best friends having the time of their lives. When they attended university, even if they were busy, they didn't let studies come between their strong friendship bond... that was until Seokjin met his mate in their third year as university students. His mate, Kim Taehyung, was a very sweet and strong wielded omega.

As for Jungkook? Well, no one really wanted a second date with him unless sex was involved. He wasn't going to lie, sex was sex. While he was a university student, he got some action here and there but, as a mature adult alpha, it was really bothersome that they (omegas and betas) only wanted to be man handled by him. Whilst he wanted a mate, to settle down, cuddle, kiss, hold hands, have pups and be his real self but, omegas and betas would only pay attention to his strong and very attractive physique and his unique exquisite scent of Vetiver. Ruts were awfully painful but he prefered going through them alone instead of spending them with someone he didn't trust, cared for or loved since his ruts forced out his most vulnerable side out. So, Jungkook just busied himself with his work, a lawyer at 26 years old. He worked at a firm named Park's Law Firm.

His boss, Park Hyung Sik, was a friend of Taehyung's and that's how he landed the job a year prior, fresh out of the JRTI (Judicial Research Training Institute—Law school—). Plus, having his best friend as a coworker was not bad at all. He worked hard and earned well. With a few more years, he'd finish paying off his student loans from law school and could be a professional lawyer with more experience and hopefully enough money to open his own firm but alas, the present was currently more important.

"Pass me another beer—Oh, damn. It's almost twenty-three. You should go home to your omega before he comes here and murders us."

Jungkook had checked the time on his watch which gave the 22:39 as he had raised it to point at the cans of beer on the table closer to the elder alpha. Today was a friday night Seokjin and him had decided to order some Chinese take out while reviewing some cases together (to expand their views) and one thing led to another, the older alpha started to make jokes.

"Shit, already? Oh, you're right! You ass, I'm going to sleep on the couch because of you."

Seokjin had to ruffle his dark brown locks out of his forehead while getting up to search for his briefcase. His scent of sandalwood intensifying how stressed he suddenly became because an angry Taehyung was not something he wanted to deal with as soon as he arrived home.

"Hahaha, at least you'll cuddle with Yeontan instead."

Jungkook had this way of speaking words that left others to just laugh because the way he spoke them with such giddyness was really cute for him, an alpha.

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