Knock Knock

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A knock at the door startled me. It was a little over dinner time, but the sun had already gone down.

I crept over to the door to see who it could be, knocking at my door so late in the evening.

I looked through the peep hole and saw him waiting outside.
I opened the door up, and peeked through the opening.

"Naruto...?" I questioned.

He nodded and smiled a little.

I opened the door all the way. It was him, I recognized his facial features.

"Um, couldn't you of come at an earlier time?" I joked.

He shrugged, "Well, you are the one who said I could come over..."
I opened the door up and stepped aside.

"C'mon in," I mumbled nervously.

We sat down on the couch beside each other.

"So, now that we can talk in-!" I was interrupted by Naruto who had leaned in to me. I quickly jerked back, "What the hell?"

He looked up at me, confused, his lips awkwardly frozen in time.

"What are you doing?" I asked again, this time less aggressive.

He moved back and looked down at the ground.

"Sorry...," He mumbled, "I just thought..."

I stood up off the couch and faced him.

He continued, "I just thought you wanted me to come over so... I thought you meant that we were going to..."

He paused, slowly looking up at me. He shrugged again and began blushing.

"N-No...," I corrected him, "That is not what I meant by 'come over' at all..."

"You know, maybe I'll just go-," He began.

"No!" I interrupted, "I mean, you just got here... Let's not have a small misinterpretation ruin the night, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so...," He whispered, smiling a bit before looking down at the ground, embarrassed again.

I stood there in silence, unsure of what to do next. Naruto continued to look down at the ground, while twiddling his thumbs.

I cleared my throat, "Did you really think I was going to 'get with you' after not seeing you for so many years?"

He sighed, "Yeah, I don't know... I'm really sorry. Is it okay if we... Start over?"

I wondered what he meant by starting over. I wasn't going to forget what he did before, but I suppose I could forgive him tonight and do my best to rekindle our relationship.

It didn't take long after until we were comfortable again talking to each other, and didn't realize how much time had really past. I picked up my phone to check the time.

"Wow!" I gasped, "It is almost 1:30 in the morning."

We both stood up off of the couch. I was nervous and skeptical about my decision, but thought I'd ask anyway.

I scratched the back of my head and neck, "So... Um, you can stay the night, if you'd like."

His face lit up, "Yeah! I mean, sure, thanks. That'd be nice."

I escorted Naruto to the guest bedroom.

"Here you are," I motioned in through the doorway.

"Thanks," He spoke quietly, walking into the guest room.

"If you need anything, just ask me," I said kindly before walking off to my room to prepare for bed.

We seemed to connect well this evening and I wondered why we haven't spoken in such a long time. I couldn't remember the logical reason we split up in the past.

Naruto and I, when we were younger, had dated for a couple months, before he decided to move away without telling me. He left me without any warning and didn't contact me until a week later with... A red letter.

Red Letter // NaruSasuWhere stories live. Discover now