Fox, An Old Friend

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It was late and I had just received another letter from "fox" earlier that day.

I was lounging on the sofa, thinking of what I should write back. I was thinking of all the people I had met and befriended back in school.

They were acting a little strange about wanting to see me again. How come they wouldn't text or call me, but write me a letter?

That made me remember a friend I had known in elementary school. He was the new kid and had no friends, so I wrote him a simple note during class. We began writing these notes back and forth everyday, but we never actually spoke.

Years later, in high school, I found a letter in my locker. It was from that same person who I wrote to in elementary school.

I took out a pen and began writing back to Fox, to see if this was who I thought it was.

Red Letter // NaruSasuWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt