The day went on pretty fast, we went to the great hall for breakfast, did all our classes and it was finally time for a nap.

I walk towards the hall seeing Draco being touchy with a ravenclaw, whispering into her ear as she giggles, ugh.

I rush myself into a room to spy on them, The Room of Reqiurements not paying attention behind me. 

"Is your boyfriend cheating, Blackwood?" A voice from behind me creeps up making me jump.

"Ugh!" I turn around "Fuck you Mattheo, you scared me, and he isn't my boyfriend."

"Not Anymore at least."

I see him lighting up a joint and putting it in the small gap between his lips.

"Poor Amelia, heartbroken," He laughs.

"What's so funny?" I look at him with anger in my eyes.

"You're hurt, it's hilarious."
"Having feelings is a waste of time." He looks at me in all seriousness, reaching his hand out with a joint pressed between his fingers "I don't like to share, but I guess I could make an acceptation for today."

"I'm good, I don't accept things from people who threaten to kill me." I turn away from the door and take a seat next to him.

"Oh calm down, I wasn't actually gonna kill you."

"Yeah okay, the look in your eyes said otherwise,"

I turn my back to leave the room of requirements but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back,

"Cmon Blackwood it'll make you feel better," Mattheo said placing the joint between his lips.

"fuck it," I said as he passes the joint to me.

After a couple hours of us just talking and smoking about a lot of stuff, I excused myself and went to my bedroom and fell into deep sleep.

For a couple days Mattheo and I had been meeting every night in the Room of Requirements, smoking or talking, it was nice to have someone to talk to who actually listens through everything, and every night I would notice something new that made me feel attraction towards him, I try to push the thoughts away.

I woke up the next day ready to go to the great hall when i found Mattheo sitting alone on the couch reading a book, I sat down next to him

"Don't you ever get hungry?" I ask.

"I do," Mattheo said with a faint smile.

I smile back at him as i grab his hand slipping it into mine "Come on," I say whilst we both got up from the sofa and walked to the great hall.

I enter the great hall and Immediately I locked eyes with Draco, his already staring at mine with anger as he saw my hand intertwined with Mattheo's.

We start to walk towards the Slytherin table when i bump into Draco, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He towers over me "I'm walking, with Mattheo. Can't you see, Malfoy?" he gets closer and Mattheo stands in front of me "Oh really, is that all you do with him or are you screaming his name at night too, whore."

This. Bitch.

Well I guess I don't have a choice.

You're Mine *Mattheo riddle* COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now