The Red Jacket(Melizabeth~AU~)

Start from the beginning

"I-It was accident," I said quietly, a smile coating my face.

"Girliee, you got off him, handed him ten pounds as an apology and ran off," Diane finished the tale as Elaine snorted into her drink, "plus, he was sooo staring at your arse when you ran away," she finished with a wink.

I rolled my eyes, swiping at Diane's sandwich in revenge.

I know I'm gonna hit the marble floor before I trip. Doesn't destiny do that thing where it reminds you of something before you do it? Like when you die it gives you flashbacks of some of the happiest moments of your life?

I'm not dying(life won't get rid of me this easily), but my arms are so open and my feet aren't stable enough for me to get a hold of myself.

Make sure you don't come with any bandages.' Elaine's voice repeated, echoing softly.

Surely not bandages, just a grand purple bruise.

As my right foot catches onto something(it's the air) my arms flail helplessly. Technically speaking, I probably look like a chicken from an outsider's perspective. Hair flying everywhere, arms dancing and an inevitable fate to meet the solid floor. 


Everything happens in slow motion.

Peeking up, I see the jacket and determination swirls inside me like a bottomless pit. With or without a bruise, my only goal is to buy the damn jacket and stuff it into a gift bag. Elaine better be grateful.


Silver hair hangs chaotically over my face, I think they're trying to cushion me from the laminated floor. How on earth are silver strands going to help?

Is that blonde hair to my left?



Yeah, very soft. I'm against something much softer than the floor could possibly be. And...warmer? It's a bit like a blanket has been wrapped around me, cocooning me from the outside world. And, for a mere 5 seconds, I feel safe.

In those 5 seconds, I realise that I can't see a single thing. Everything around me is dark and no light comes to view, no colours and no-

Oh, my eyes aren't open.

Cautiously, I blink them, adjusting  to the sight in front of me.

I was not expecting this.

My nose is inches away from another; my hair fans around our heads, sort of like a barrier between us and everything else; my hand are on someone's body and by pressing a tiny bit harder, I can feel toned muscle through a shirt. Very very very toned muscle. I'm 1000000% my cheeks are pink(I really can't be blamed, any other girl would die to be me in my position), my eyes remain on my hands, staring at the chest they're on.



...This has to be a guy?

Nibbling on the inside of my cheek, my gaze strays to a defined jawline. It's so tempting to touch, and my hand is so close to giving in. It looks sharp, does that mean it feels sharp? Or would it feel soft under my fingers? 

I continue the journey-smooth cheeks, a nose and lips that are pulled up a tad, a wave of smugness radiates off the mystery guy now...I decide to overlook it.

Though it's possibly been around 10 seconds, it seems to take forever as my eyes roam to his.


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