The Red Jacket(Melizabeth~AU~)

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This is for ambersky0319(on ao3), a 'Secret Santa' gift💖
(It was not supposed to be this long lmao)

Summary: Elizabeth has no clue what to buy Elaine for her birthday, leaving her to go shopping. Add her usual clumsiness to the mix-which leads her to a certain blonde boy-and she's determined as hell to buy the jacket before he can.


I'm screwed.

Utterly screwed.

The party's tomorrow and I don't know what else to buy Elaine.

'What a great friend,' I mutter under my breath, seeking the racks for any adequate clothing. I'd already bought her some stationery that she wants and a particular lavender perfume she never shuts up about. Diane and I also found a necklace that she'd love, a present from both of us.

That's never enough for one of your best friends. Elaine never fails to help us, always there when you need to cry and for great advice. Honestly, she looks like a little girl with her petite face, blonde locks and amber eyes, but she has the spirit of fire.

Which is why I'm shopping the day before her party, I've only got an hour or so left until I need to go home with her finished present. 

What would Elaine like? She's not too fussy about her clothing, anything comfy is her style. 

I sigh, turning right to find another corridor. The walls are cream, unlike other departments in this store, and they're adorned with smoothie posters. A chocolate one catches my attention and my stomach rumbles. Apart from that, there are racks and rows organised in a criss-cross pattern, upon them are numerous jackets. Puffy ones, small ones, hooded and non-hooded...Would she like a jacket?

Why not.

I place my hands out while I walk, touching the material of all the coats. She doesn't like fancy items, however, all these coats are full-on posh. Probably means their expensive too...

I wander, finding many items that look lovely(I might return later), but they don't seem right for Elaine. 

"Elaine Elaine Elaine," I mutter under my breath, annoyance replacing the hunger creeping into my stomach. I've been searching for two months, now there are less than 24 hours to buy something and I'd rather not turn up to her party than arrive with a shameful gift.
 It's just a present, calm down. She'll love whatever you get, you can't really-

I squint my eyes as something stands out, walking closer to the last red jacket in my vision. The crimson shade looks familiar, almost as if I've seen it before, and the buttons are embellished by delicate crystals. The entire design seems


Doesn't he have a jacket with the same shade? He's wrapped in it all the time in school and since they're dating...


YES! YES! YES! I mentally scream, a grin stretching across my lips,  a wave of glee washes over me. Finally!

I rush towards the rack and stretch my hand out, it's right there, the perfect gift for Elaine, a few more inches and I can guarantee a happy party tomorrow AND a happy best friend! What more could I ask for?

"Ellie, make sure you don't come with any bandages on yourself," Elaine's voice giggled in my head, "we don't want a repeat of last time!"

"Oh yeah? I think the time she tripped over that blonde boy in town was even funnier-and then she ran off-" Diane joined in, their sandwiches lay forgotten in their laps as they recalled a few of my 'greatest' moments, "-I wish I'd recorded that, it's the reddest I've EVER seen your face," she turned to look at my now strawberry expression.

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