"We're losing ground. Everybody loves Minnick." Jackson sighed pacing around the hallway.

"I wouldn't say that. I mean who said that?" Arizona shrugged folding her arms.

"And now Meredith," Jackson said looking over at Mer.

"I stood up for him and got suspended." Mer defended.

"Yeah, and now you're back. You rolled over." Jackson argued.

"Because he told me to come back." She said.

"That's not what it looks like, alright? You weakened our position here." He frowned.

"The enemy is Minnick, not Mer." I reminded him.

"Thank you." Meredith sighed. "We don't really have a position if he's asking us to stop."

"Meredith has a point." Arizona nodded.

"The problem isn't Minnick." Maggie shook her head. "The problem is that her program is good, and now everyone knows it, including Richard."

I would be lying if I said that Minnick's program didn't seem to have a positive effect on the residents. They did seem to enjoy it while also learning a lot from it.

"You guys are unbelievable. You're just gonna abandon him now." Jackson frowned.

"No." We all said in unison.

"That's not what we're saying. Our hands are just tied here." I shrugged.

"Well, I'm not giving up. I'm going to keep fighting." He said.

"How?" I asked.

"My mother's not the only Avery in this hospital." He said before storming away.

"What is he planning?" Meredith asked.

"I have no idea." I huffed. I wanted to keep fighting for Richard as much as Jackson did, but we were all running out of ideas especially since Minnick being at the hospital seemed to improve the residency program no matter how much I hated to admit it.

"Jackson, where are you going?" I sighed jogging down the hallway to catch up with him.

"To find my mother. I'm going to put an end to all of this." He huffed.

"How exactly do you plan to do that?" I frowned.

"I am the voice of the Avery Foundation for this hospital and I am going to let my mom know that we're not accepting this. This hospital has a board for a reason and none of us want Minnick here." He said.

"You're right. None of the attendings want her here but it isn't like the hospital can just fire her because the board dislikes her. That's just the start of a lawsuit." I pointed out.

"I know that, but we have to figure out something."

"I know." I sighed.

I had surgery so I had to leave to get my patient prepped. I felt like I was in the middle of some type of high school drama instead of working at a hospital lately. Surgery was the only thing that brought me back down to reality.

- -

"It's nice to have you back." I smiled as Amelia walked over to the front desk where I stood looking over some of my patient's post-op files.

"It's nice to be back, even though I'm scared that I'm going to run into Owen every time I turn a corner." Amelia sighed leaning against the desk.

"You two still haven't talked?" I frowned. It's been weeks since Amelia left home. I know that she and Owen are going through a rough patch, but the fact that she was still avoiding him showed that their marriage was worse off than I thought.

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