How to Save a life

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Liliana's pov

"My surgery ran long. Did I miss it" I ask as I join Meredith and Amelia in front of the O.R. board. Today we're getting a new group of interns and it's always fun to look at their expressions and how clueless they are when they first start, so we always gather to wait and see the new interns on their first day.

"Nope, they are not here yet" Amelia says

"Did I interrupt something" I ask looking at the way Meredith and Amelia were looking at each other.

"No, I was just telling Amelia that I'm thinking about selling the house" she says. Meredith has been back for a couple of weeks now and even though she's being strong as always. I can tell she's still struggling to adjusting to being back in Seattle without Derek.

"Really" I frown. I could understand why she would want to sell the house after losing Derek. It had to be hard living in their home that he built for them and knowing he was never coming back home again, but I was still a little surprised.

"Yeah, I'm not for sure yet, but it's just a thought" she says

"Why do people constantly feel the need to kill their arteries" Maggie complains as she walks over to the O.R. board and begins writing on it.

"Are they here yet? Oh, did I miss it? Tell me I didn't miss it" Callie asks as she walks over to us

"Nope" I say

"I can't wait to see the beads of sweat on their freaked out little faces" Callie smiles

"Oh, man. Did I miss it? I want to see someone crap, actually crap" Alex says

"Seen it, smelled it. Not as fun as you'd think" Callie says

"It's happening! The baby chicks and ducks are here" Arizona says excitedly as she walks our way before we all go to the gallery so we can watch as Richard gives them a tour around the O.R.

"Look at them, looking all bright and bubbly. I can't wait until I get to be their worst nightmare" I smirk as we look into the gallery

"That is so mean" Arizona laughs

"Well I don't strike fear into the hearts of residents by being nice" I laugh

"Each of you today comes here hopeful, wanting in on the game. A month ago you were in med school, being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors. The five years you spend here as surgical residents will be the best and worst of your lives. They will...." Richard begins to say before a girl raises her hand

"You have a question" Richard asks

"Yes, why" she asks

"Uh, you raised your hand" Richard frowns

"No, I'm sorry. I mean why will these be the best and worst years of our lives" she asks

"Uh, I, I was getting to that. Um, where was I? Oh, right. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to a easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play...that's up to you" Richard says. I'm pretty sure everyone who's been here from the beginning recited that whole speech along with Richard as we remembered our first day here.

"They look stupid" Alex says making us all laugh

"They probably are" I sigh

"They look like babies. Were we ever that young" Meredith chuckles

"They're so well rested" Ben says as he sits down

"And stupid" Alex says

"And eager like puppies" Meredith smiles

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