We hate him

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Liliana's pov

"So I'm just wondering if maybe we should rethink the resident rotation system. I mean make sure that our residents get an equal opportunity on every speciality" Callie says as her and Richard walk into the attendings lounge where Maggie and I are sitting

"Isn't that happening" Webber asks

"Well, there's a danger that our residents are being monopolized by a single attending" she says

"She's talking about Blake" I say

"You know what? This is not your bus..." she frowns before Richard interrupts her

"Isn't Blake with Grey" he asks

"Yes, and she has been since she got here. I worry she's not getting a full education and Grey is... she's, she's running her ragged" she says

"Residency runs you ragged. We've all been there, Torres. You know this as well as anyone" he says

"No, but this is different. This is different. I think it's personal" she says

"Do you really or is that you want to spend more time with your girlfriend" I frown

"Liliana, could you please" she frowns

"Can I please what? Stop saying the truth. Your girlfriend is a resident, residents have long hours. Get over it" I say

"Hey, hey. Alright, alright" Webber says interrupting us. "Has Blake expressed this concern or just you" he asks, but Callie doesn't say anything. "Okay, Blake stays with Grey. We don't have a policy to move around residents to accommodate your personal lives" Richard says

"No, that's not what I was saying" Callie shakes her head

"If Blake has a problem she comes to me" he says before walking over to the coffee machine making Callie sigh before side eyeing me and walking out of the room.

"It's to early for this" I mumble before walking out of the room and going to the on call room where Jackson was laying down.

"Hey, handsome" I smile as I get in bed with him

"Hey, beautiful" he smirks pulling me into a kiss. "How has your morning been" he asks as I lay down on his chest

"Well I had to listen to Torres go on and on about her stupid girlfriend, who doesn't even deserve to be here" I sigh

"You want to talk about it" he asks

"No, I don't even want to think about it. I just want to have amazing sex with my husband right now" I smirk

"I can make that happen" he smiles before he pulls me into a kiss. We enjoy our free time before we're both paged, so we have to go tend to patients. I go to C.T. where Callie, Penny, Stephanie, and Jo are at.

"Well" Meredith says joining us as the scans come up on the screen for the patient

"Osteosarcoma. It involves the frontal and the occipital bone. It's locally very aggressive" Callie says

"It's a lovely tumor. It's almost cute. Just plopped there" I say

"He's waited 18 months for this kidney. We finally have one and now he has cancer" Meredith sighs

"What if he didn't" I say

"Didn't what" Callie asks

"Have cancer. His tumor has gorgeous margins. It's like a piece of fruit just hung low on the branch. I could reach in and pluck it. No cancer, no problem" I say

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