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Liliana's pov

The next morning I woke up with a killer migraine from all of the champagne I consumed the night before. Even though I was tipsy last night I still remembered everything that happened. Part of me regretted it because I didn't want sex clouding our thoughts but the other part of me was glad that it happened because it was long overdue.

"Good morning." Jackson smiled caressing my face.

"Good morning." I smiled laying on his chest.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked.

"You already know the answer to that," I said looking up at him. Jackson and I used all night to make up for all the months that we've spent being mad at each other so sleep had been the last thing on our minds.

"Yeah, I do." He smirked.

"You know we still need to talk," I said. Even though we had sex last night, that didn't solve our problems.

"I know," he sighed. "Can we just lay here for a little while longer?"

"Yeah." I nodded. We just laid there in silence for a while before finally getting up. We went to take a shower before going to the kitchen to cook breakfast and sitting down to eat. We ate in silence knowing that we had a tense conversation ahead.

"So we have a lot to talk about," I said as we sat down on the couch.

"I know." He sighed.

"Jackson, we've been separated for a little while now. Longer than I expected." I sighed.

"Me too. It's time for me to come home, Liliana." He sighed.

"What? No." I shook my head. "It's been over a month since we separated and nothings changed."

"What do you mean nothings changed? I've been trying Lily. I've been avoiding Maggie as much as possible. I'm trying to be the best father and husband that I can be and you don't see it."

"You sitting at family dinners telling Maggie our business doesn't seem like you're avoiding her to me. She was just about to board your family's private plane to fly to Boston with you." I frowned.

"She was flying to Boston for Meredith!" He said raising his voice.

"That's not the point! The point is that you didn't tell me! You didn't tell me that she was coming knowing how I feel about you and her being around each other! You don't consider my feelings Jackson." I shook my head.

"Yes I do and I'm trying to show you but you won't let me." He frowned.

"How Jackson? How have you been trying to show me? By finally helping me take care of our daughter? By finally taking the time to check in on me?" I asked. "You're my husband you should've been doing those things, but you weren't! And it's not even the fact that you've been an inconsiderate ass to me for months, it's the fact that you can't admit it!" I yelled.

"I apologized, Lily. I said I was sorry." He said.

"But never for the right things. You never apologized for putting another woman before me! For basically having an emotional affair!" I yelled. "I was falling apart. Losing sleep. Stressed. Trying to juggle work and coming home to take care of Isabella almost every night by myself while you were with another woman!"

"Nothing ever happened!" He argued."It doesn't matter! Regardless of if anything physically happened, you still put Maggie before me! And you never acknowledged it. Not once." I shook my head blinking back tears.

"I wasn't trying to put her before you. She was just going through a hard time." He argued.

"I don't give a damn! You keep saying that like I haven't been through a hard time too. Do you know how difficult it is being a new mother? All of the emotions that I've experienced." I frowned. "I want my own mother here with me more than ever to help guide me through this, to give me motherly wisdom but she's not here. That's hard Jackson and it hurts." I sniffled. "My nerves are terrible and I'm always worried about Isabella, every time she even sniffles or cries too much because even though she's here I'm always worried about losing her like we lost George! That is hard! Maggie's not the only one having a hard time!"

"I'm sorry. I had no idea." He sighed grabbing my hand before I snatched away.

"Because you weren't paying attention to me. Your wife." I shook my head. "I thought we could fix us but I don't think that we can anymore?" I sniffled my voice breaking.

"What are you saying?" He frowned.

"I'm done, Jackson. I'm filing for divorce." I sighed feeling my heartbreak as I said those words.

You guys have permission to be upset with me!

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