Back to work

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Liliana's pov

"And you made sure to put enough diapers in her bag, the bottles of milk, the blankets..." I ask Jackson as I try to think of everything Isabella could possibly need for daycare.

"Lily, I've got this. I've already checked the bag numerous times to make sure everything is in there. Relax." Jackson sighed. Today is Isabella's first day of daycare and my first day officially back at work. Even though Jackson is the one taking her I was still doing what all mothers do. Trying make sure that things ran smoothly and on schedule.

"It is our baby's first day of daycare Jackson. How am I supposed to relax?"

"She's going to be fine. She's going to be in a daycare that's in the same building as us. She's not going to be far away." He reminded me.

"I know." I sigh. I was definitely overprotective of Isabella which was obvious at this point so I didn't like the idea of not having her with me all day even though I knew she would have to start going to daycare once I started back working. I just liked to always have her near and keep a check on her because nobody knows my child and her needs like Jackson and I do so it's hard trusting other people to watch her.

"Cheer up. It's your first day back at work. You get to actually have adult interaction today." He said making me chuckle.

"Well I did miss that." I admit. "Okay, I'm going to let you finish getting her ready. Text me when you make it here." I said.

"I will. I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled before hanging up. I slid my phone into my pocket before leaving the attendants lounge and walking over to the front desk. Amelia had done an amazing job at running my department while I was out, so luckily everything was organized and running smoothly. I still needed to review some files just to get a little more caught up and give me an idea of what I was returning to today.

"Hey, you're back." Amelia smiled walking over to the front desk where I stood reviewing patient information.

"Yeah of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" I chuckled.

"No, I mean you're back early."

"Nope, I've always planned to return on the 29th, remember." I say as I pass my patients chart to a nurse.

"Well I have good news for you, you still get three more days with Isabella because today's the 26th."

"Nope, it's the 29th, see." I say handing her my iPad with the date programmed into it.

"Really." She frowned.

"Yeah, believe me I've been thinking about this day all week."

"Oh my God. I'll be back." She said as her smile dropped from her face and she began walking down the hallway.

"That was weird." I mumbled to myself as my pager went off. I rushed down to the E.R. where a patient had just came in with a skull fracture. I got him prepped for surgery before taking him down to the O.R. There was a lot bleeding which complicated the surgery so it took about 6 hours, but it was overall a successful surgery. I took the patient to recovery before instructing my intern to notify me once the patient woke up.

I went to the attendants lounge to check my phone and to make sure that Jackson let me know that he and Isabella had made it to the hospital, which he had hours ago during my surgery. I ate a quick snack before walking back out into the hallway. I saw Amelia also rushing down the hallway until she walked into a supply closet where all the medical equipment is kept. I decided to follow her and check on her after she rushed away this morning since something was obviously bothering her.

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