Plan ARMPITS is a Go!

Start from the beginning

The raven-haired god raised an eyebrow. "Why "Jingle Bells" anyway? It's March."

They both shrugged. "It's "Jingle Bells"," Travis replied, as if that was answer enough.

A knock on the steel door interrupted the increasingly off-topic conversation. Benjamin, an Apollo kid, poked his head in. Percy forced images away of the healer standing above Annabeth's unmoving body.

"We've got incoming."

"Already?" Natasha asked.

Benjamin shrugged. "We've been fending off a few monsters here and there—with this many demigods gathered in one place, I'd be more surprised if there weren't any monster attacks—but this is the first large group we've seen."

"He knows."

Percy's declaration brought troubled looks to the faces of everyone present.

A grim silence settled over the room.

"Well then, let's get this party started, shall we?" Tony shattered the stillness.

And just like that everyone broke into motion.

"Everyone knows their roles, right?" Steve asked.

Heads nodded all around the meeting room. The Avengers were there, as well as the head counselors of both camps, a few Hunters, Nico, and some of the older, experienced campers. Loki sat near Percy.

"Survive till Sleeping Beauty and Rock of Ages get Tartar sauce out of Sleeping Beauty's head," Tony confirmed. "It's really not a complicated plan. If you can even call it a plan."

Steve nodded. "Okay, then. Everyone to their positions."

At his words, everyone started moving. People filed out slowly, patting Percy's shoulder or tilting their heads at the god.

A hand landed on Percy's shoulder. "Good luck, Percy."

Percy smiled at the veteran. "Thanks, Steve. You too."

With a nod, the star-spangled man walked outside. Natasha swept past, her arm brushing Percy's. She nodded at Percy. Clint quickly followed the assassin, ruffling Percy's hair in a big brother move. "Be safe, kid. After we win, we'll have a prank war, yeah?"

Clint forced a smile to his lips. Percy reminded him of his own kids. His heart hurt just thinking about the boy getting hurt, god or not.

Percy huffed and swatted Clint's hand away. "You're gonna get creamed, old man."

"Sure I will," came the amused reply as the agent walked out the door.

"Percy..." Loki's voice came from his left and sounded a little strained.

"I know." Percy's voice was soft and pained. He didn't even bother to look at the Asgardian.

A slap on both their backs interrupted whatever Loki had been about to say. Thor gripped Loki's wrists and removed the silver bracelets. Loki exhaled as he felt the glorious rush of his magic returning. Thor turned to Percy. "May the Norns be with you, young Perseus." He turned to Loki. "And you brother."

Loki just grunted, too engrossed in the rush of his magic to reply with his usual 'I am not your brother' spill.

Percy smiled tiredly at the retreated Thor. "I'd say the same to you, but with my luck with the Fates, I'd end up cursing you instead."

Thor's throaty chuckle floated from the hallway.

"Hey kid." Percy turned and, to his surprise, was immediately pulled into a hug. He stiffened but slowly relaxed into Tony's warm embrace. "You'll be fine, Percy. We'll all be fine. In fact, we'll celebrate at that shawarma place, okay?"

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