Chapter 12

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" W-where am I" I thought as I opened my eyes to see myself in the while where trees grew tall and a wide open field

" Who are they over there" I thought as I looked over to my left to see a bunch of people over at a table

" Are you not gonna join us Y/n" I heard as I looked to my right to see Licht and I got up and fell right back on my ass

" Ouch" I said

" Come on, you were just sleep" Licht said as he held out a hand

" T-thanks" I said blushing as he held me up and walked with me to the table

" Hey babe~" I heard as I looked to the left to see Rhya

" Don't talk to my baby like that" I heard as I looked at Vetto and blushed

" You guys, we agreed to share so let's share" Licht said as I blushed and looked down

" Come on and have a seat dear" Licht said as he sat me down and sat right beside me

" Why am I so hungry" I asked

" Well it might deal with this one in your belly" Licht said as he held my stomach and I looked down to see it round and plum

" H-how the fu-" I said as Licht covered my mouth

" Are you feeling ok Y/n" Rhya asked as he sat closer to me

" Y-yeah, I am fine" I said as Vetto laid his head on my lap

" Glad, because I am next" Vetto said

" Next for what" I asked

" Next to have a baby" Vetto said as I blushed deeply

" You're so cute when you blush" Rhya said as he kissed my cheek

" Stop making my friend flustered" I heard as I looked to my right to see Fana getting up

" Let's go, you must be tired" Fana said as I nodded and she helped me up but then I sensed some weird magic

" You sense that too" I asked as Fana nodded and we all looked behind us to see this large glowing orb

" We need to get out of here" I said

" Why, I don't sense any bloodlust coming from it" Fana said as I looked at her and I was scared

" Guys, we need to go" Fana said as I looked over at the orb and it glowed brighter

" WE NEED TO GO NO-" I yelled as I felt something pierce me

" Y/N NOOO" Fana yelled as I fell to my knees

" BABY" Rhya yelled as he ran over to me with Licht and Vetto

" Spatial Creation Magic: Destruction of Nature" I whispered as my hand fell and the orb vanished in thin air

" Baby, you'll be alright" Rhya said as he tried to stop the bleeding

" It's ok..." I said as I grabbed Rhya's hand

" I-I am sorry for not having any of your children yet.... l-let's promise" I said as I coughed up blood

" Let's promise in the n-next life, w-we get m-married and h-have e-even more children" I said as my vision began to get blurry

" I love you Y/n" Vetto said

" I love you too bear" I said with a smile

" I will love you forever Y/n" Rhya said

" Love you too lazy ass" I said

" I will get revenge for you my loved one" Licht said as he put his forehead on mine

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