Chapter 8

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" Come on Y/n" Fuegoleon said as he held me up on the lion and I was in front of him

" Let's go" Fuegoleon said as we flew out of the window and towards the center since Asta went towards the place where it was the loudest

" W-what are they" Noelle asked as Fuegoleon held onto me

" This man takes every chance he can get huh" I thought with a blush creeping on my face

" Some strange army" Fuegoleon

" Asta's down there, let's go" I said as I got up and jumped down

" Spatial Creation Magic: Missile Launch" I said as multiple spatial missiles came in contact with the undead army and disintegrated them

" Woah, you're powerful" I heard as I looked to my left to see Leopold

" Hey Leo, did you loss Asta" I asked

" Yeah, I sure hope he's ok" Leopold said as Noelle and Fuegoleon came over to us

" You can worry about looking for Asta later Leo" Fuegoleon said

" These fiends, there is magic power dwelling within them" Fuegoleon said

" Just leave it to me then" I said as my grimore glowed yellow and I began to float a little

" I might be low on mana after this large spell, I might need you to protect me Noelle" I said as I looked at her and she nodded

" Flash Magic: Flash Kingdom" I yelled as a very bright flash of light appeared and quickly disappeared as the corpses stopped moving

" N-now destroy the bodies" I said as I fell to my knees

" Flame Magic: Spiral Flames" Leopold said

" Flame Magic: Sol Linea" Fuegoleon said as they both destroyed the bodies easily

" Flame Creation Magic: Leo Rugiens" Fuegoleon said as a lion made of fire spit fire at the corpses

" BURN TO ASH" Fuegoleon said as I was able to stand up

" Y/n, you're running low on mana" Fuegoleon said

" The spell continues to drain my mana to keep the corpses from moving" I said 

" T-they're still some more left" I said as Apollo floated down to me

" Use my mana, it's make it easier" Apollo said as I began to have a light aura around me

" T-thanks Apollo" I whispered as I got up and looked around

" N-now I can complete the spell" I said 

" Rest in pieces" I said as I snapped my fingers and you could hear several shooting sounds

" Woah look" Noelle said as she pointed at the sky and there was a corpse that was glowing blue

" WHAT THE HELL" Noelle yelled as the corpse exploded

" T-that's the spell" I said

" These corpses were once people who had magic and the color they explode, is their magic attribute" I said as the corpses looked like fireworks

" Time to g-" I said as I fell but Fuegoleon caught me

" You used too much magic... just sit back and try to relax" Fuegoleon said as he sat me down

" I-I am sorry" I said

" No need to be" Fuegoleon said as Noelle, Leopold, and him ran to find Asta

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