Chapter 13

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" Now will you tell us, who among those gathered here are the traitorous captain who collaborated with the Eye of the Midnight Sun" Julius asked

" Go on, tell us their names" Julius said

" The traitor is the Captain of the Purple Orcas, Gueldre Poizot" The two said as everyone gasped

" Uh.. Ridiculous, what are you trying to say" Gueldre said

" These two are terrorist who attacked the royal capital" Gueldre said as the others backed away from him

" Transparency Creation Magic: Activating the Invisible Mage" Gueldre said as he disappeared along with his mana

" He's gone" Asta said

" Ha, he's making a run for it, things are getting serious now" Yami said as I smirked

" Flash Magic: Flash Disable" I said as a flash of light appeared and soon Gueldre was spotted at the door and he soon opened it and ran

" Shit" I said as I ran after him with Asta right behind me

" Let's do this" I said as Asta smiled

" Yeah" Asta said as we ran over to the top and I sensed something off

" Flash Magic: Flash Disable" I said as a flash of light appeared and disappeared as Gueldre looked surprised

" Now, let's see how well you can take a hit" I said as I teleported behind him

" W-wai-" Gueldre said as I punched him in the face

" Flash Magic: Flash Barrage" I said as I punched and kicked him non-stop until I was up in the air

" YOU ARE A DISGRACE OF A CAPTAIN" I yelled as I slammed my foot down onto him and he landed into the ground

" Picture Magic: Spring of Restriction" Rill said as Gueldre was stuck in the ground with paint around him

" Wow Mr. Poizot, you make a wonderful painting and I know just what to call it" Rill said

" Yes "The Drowning Captain", What'cha think" Rill asked

" That sounds good to me" I said as I landed right beside him

" W-wait, what kind of magic is that" Asta asked as the captains erupted from the ground behind us

" Honestly Rill, you and your half baked nonsense" Nozel said

" Yeah, well, somebody had to do something" Rill said

" Or else you'd destroy this entire building" Rill said as all of the Captains had their magic ready

" His magic makes all spells pass through him but not physical objects" Nozel said

" Therefore, we only need to attack him with non-magical items" Nozel said

" If this building was to fall down, commoners could easily rebuild it" Nozel said

" I missed the chance to fight a fellow captain in real combat" Jack said as I rolled my eyes

" Magic Knight Captains can't stand around twiddling their thumbs while there's a traitor waiting to be caught" Yami said

" At least gotta strike a pose or something" Yami said

" Seriously, are you still snoozing" Yami asked as Dorothy was beside him sleeping

" What a pitiful excuse for a man, running like a coward" Charolette said

" Enough, let's leave it here for now" William said

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