Chapter 16

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" Yami, that's rude" I whispered

" My face... isn't exactly fit for others to see" William said

" What, you wear that thing because you're super ugly or something" Yami said as I hit his stomach

" What's up with you being so rude today" I asked

" He probably had a birth mark across his face because If I did, I would of done the same" I said

" No no, Y/n it's alright" William said as I looked at him

" You wanna see my face, very well" William said as he held his mask and began pulling it up

" O-oh no...." I said as a huge burnt mark was across William's top half of his face

" Those are some pretty nasty scars, how long" Yami asked

" I've had them my whole life, they called me a cursed child" William said as I felt a tear come down my cheek

" Is that so" Yami said puffing out some smoke

" A nobleman passed away and soon told me to take over but even with my magic, my foster mother still treated me poorly due to my face" William said as I looked even more devastated

" William...." I said as he looked over at me

" Hope we can still talk after thi-" William said as I teleported to him and gave him a hug

" I-I am so sorry you had to go through that" I said as I cried in the hug

" It's ok, no need to shed tears for me" William said

" But I am and there's nothing you an do about it but hug me back" I said as I hugged tighter as I felt William wrap his arms around my waist

" Thanks Y/n" William whispered

" You're welcome" I said as we let eachother go

" Sorry about that" Yami said

" No, it's ok" William said

" Thank you" William said as I smiled at him

" Captain Vangeance, the diamond kingdom is retreating" The communicator William had said

" Very good, don't pursue them though, concentrate all your efforts on healing the injured" William said into the communicator

" Understood" The mage said

" We should go, with the number of prisoners we've captured it will be troublesome getting them back to the capital" William said

" Yeah, but I got two guys who can make it easier and we can work them hard" Yami said as he looked at me and I signed

" Yeah, not too hard" William said as I smiled

" Alright, I got it" I said as I undid my binding spell and smashed the smoke mage into the tree

" Try anything and you're dead" I said as the smoke mage chuckled

" You're too pretty to be this strong" The smoke mage said as I chuckled

" Glad to hear you think I am pretty and strong" I said as I punched him in the face

" Now that that's taken care of, let me do this real quick" I said as my grimore opened and flipped through paged

" Spatial Creation Magic: Beehive Transportation" I said as multiple spatial portals appeared all around the town

" Now, we can easily transport them from here to the capital in no time" I said as William smiled

Black Clover x Male Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें