Chapter 5

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" We're back" Finral said as me, Vanessa and him walked through his portal back to the base

" We heard about your mission at Saussy, nice work" Vanessa said

" Thanks" Asta said as I looked at Noelle and gave her a thumbs up

" We visited the Magic Investigation Department Captain" Finral said

" Yeah good, did you learn anything" Yami asked

" Like who the hell that guy was, I'll find his hideout and tear it apart" Magna said

" And the same thing goes for the one who got away" Magna said

" Yeah about that guy, the investigators checked the area and went over the things he left behind but so far, no dice" Vanessa said

" Why aren't you saying anything" Yami asked as I looked at him

" Because I have nothing to say to you" I said as I walked over to the bar

" Don't mind her, she'll come around" Vanessa said as I rolled my eyes and heard all the commotion they made

" Here's your wage for this month" Yami said as he gave me a pouch

" Give it to Vanessa, I don't want it from you" I said

" Look, I am sorry" Yami said

" How many times do I have to tell you" Yami asked

" It should be none because this should of never happened..." I said as I looked at him with tears in my eyes

" I trusted you the most..... you lost it so deal with it" I said as I got up and walked over to Charmy

" Wanna go out tomorrow, we can buy some good treats" I asked

" Yes Y/n-chan, let's do it" Charmy said as she ran to the dining hall to eat

" That girl is so cute" I squealed as I followed her

~the next day~

" Alright Charmy, are you ready" I asked

" YES YES YES LETS GO" Charmy yelled as I made a portal and we both walked through it

" Let's go over here first" Charmy said as she grabbed my hand and we went into this restaurant

" Let's do this" Charmy yelled

" Hm, back again this month huh" The owner of the restaurant said

" You brought a cutie with you too" The owner said as I put my hand up

" Not interested" I said 

" That's right, I am back" Charmy said

" Well this time, I am gonna win" The owner said

" It's nice to have hope" Charmy said

" This girl is dangerous" I thought with a sweat drop

" An extra-supersized deluxe with everything on it, you just try to finish this one" The owner said

" Bring it, I am ready" Charmy said as she began to devour the dish

" Slow down ok" I said as she went even faster

" What will you like young lady" The owner asked

" Just a water with some bread, I am not that hungry" I said as the owner got me my order and watched Charmy stuff her face

" Charmy, I am gonna go outside for a bit, come get me whenever you're ready to move to the next place" I said as she nodded and I walked out of the restaurant and then I heard some ruckus from the alley

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