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Pov: Gon
After we finish the first exams came the next one it was cooking but you had to do it with someone what we need to made was pork......lerio and Kurapika where cooking together and I the only person left was killua and hisoka I choose killua I went to ask he and he said yes so we cooked but I did most of the work he didn't really know what to do but that ok when the pork was cooking I got a little hungry so I took out a apple from my bag....killua looked at me so I given he one

Why doesn't he looked so happy with eating a apple....I mean about of everything he was happy about a APPLE...wait I was starting to long at he shoot oh he just give me apple....I not a big fan of apple but i'll eat it..... it's really juicy

Pov: Gon
The pork ready let's give it to her

A/ is how it looks like

Pov:Gon The pork is done cooking so we give it to the lady and she liked it and the other person with her liked it to me and killua pass but everyone else didn't a person jump down I was about to throw a butter knife that he but I stopped it was s...

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The pork is done cooking so we give it to the lady and she liked it and the other person with her liked it to me and killua pass but everyone else didn't a person jump down I was about to throw a butter knife that he but I stopped it was something I do...since you have to be careful with everyone
But that person told the lady that she should do that and said that no pass bc of her.....

Yes she did me and Gon pass this test
....."you two pass the test?" What are your names?
My is killua and this is gon...
Well you two will don't have to do the test again if you don't want to

She explained everything again and show us how it done I was getting bored so I did it a lot from people did it that the same time I did we passed again me,killua,Kurapika and leorio after that we went to the thing I forgot what it call we ate dinner but the lady,and her friend were looking at me same with the old guy and the first person from the test....I think it's because I'm just eating sandwich and apples but they are my favorite food

Pov: killua
Gon looks so happy with the sandwiches and apples I ask he why and he said because they are my favorite food....but he looked emotionless again...I could tell all the people of the exams where looking at Gon I don't know why tho...

Can someone please help me with the names of everyone who are for the Hunter exam I can't remember there names 😭😭😭😭

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