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When I made to the place for the Hunter exam I meet this person name Tonpa didn't really want to talk with he but just to be nice I talked but he gave me a soda for some reason I took it to be nice and he left.....he's a little odd I was get a little thirsty I could hear people talking about something I really didn't care I was about to drink the soda he give me when I could smell something..... it's was...... POISON!? Poison that could kill someone in seconds I was mad but then I saw HISOKA!? I ran to he and ask what he was doing here all he said was to watch over me but I told what Tonpa did and he was mad as well and went to he and Tampa said it was laxative which was a lie

"here I will show you I'm not lying......WAIT this is rat poison...oh no I gave it one to that kid.....he might be dead." I could go to jail for killing a kid.

He had rat poison in he's hands and said sorry I let it go but hisoka wasn't have it he ask for all the soda's he had I was still thirsty sooo I drank mine in front of his face it was prizes hisoka had the same face I laughed a little and told them poison can't kill me I hear laugh behind me "is that right now"

Is that right now
There is no way this kid can't be killed by poison but than again it is possible
"Yes it is" he said but when he said that he sounds emotionless I wanted to know why so I said oh well so I'm my name is killua

That cool to hear killua I'm gon it's very nice to meet you but many I ask why you can back?

AN: soooo my next one will be like texts aka
G = gon
K= killua
Because they are going to talk with each other work on the my next chapter might post it in a hour or two

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