The not so bad Big Bad Wolf

Start from the beginning

The wolf boy nodded slowly, still nervous for some reason.

"Wow! I thought that hybrids only existed in fairy tales!" Emma exclaimed excitedly.

"There aren't many of us now, just small groups around the world..."

"Oh... Anyway, I'm Emma! Nice to meet you!"

"I'm N-Norman" The boy, now known as Norman, said with a shy smile that showed his canines.

"Are you the Big Bad Wolf my mom told me to be careful of?" Norman looked confused at her not quite understanding the question.

"I think I'm?" He wasn't sure how to react to being called big and bad.

"You don't look bad or big to me although..." Norman was quiet, not knowing how to continue the  conversation, and glanced at the delicious-smelling basket she was holding.

Emma noticed the way Norman looked curiously at the basket she was carrying and smiled at him "Are you hungry? I can give you some food!" She said as sat on the grass.

Norman looked at her cautiously and moved a little closer.

"You can trust me, I don't bite" She joked and gave him another smile.

This seemed to calm him down, since he came a little closer and sat beside her.

"Here, take it!" Emma said as she placed a homemade cookie in Norman's hand "It's my mom's recipe, I'm sure you'll love it!"

"T-thanks" He murmured after sniffing the cookie and taking a small bite "Woah! It's really delicious!" He said with eyes shining with pleasure as he bit into another piece.

Emma chuckled when she saw the joy on the boy's face as he ate the cookie.

"By the way, Norman, how old are you?" She asked and waited for him to finish swallowing the last piece of the cookie.

"I'm eleven, how about you?" He responded a little more relaxed with her presence.

"We are the same age!" She said as she passed another cookie to Norman, who happily accepted "This is cool! Since you are the same age as me, I can introduce you to my brother, and then we three can be best friends

Norman's eyes widened and he turned to Emma with his mouth open.

"We are friends?"

"Of course we are! If we weren't, I wouldn't be giving you food!"

Norman blushed slightly and gave a big smile "I never had a friend before! I'm really happy!"

"You never had a friend before?" He shook his head, which made Emma even more surprised.

"There are no kids with my age in my group, and the olders always say it’s too dangerous to talk to humans, so I’ve never had the opportunity to make a real friend..." He explained a little sadly but quickly recovered "But that's okay, now that I met you I have a friend!" 

Emma felt confused by the part of not being safe to talk to humans, especially when he was talking to her "Well, I'm happy to be your first friend!" She pushed those thoughts away and smiled at him.

She was about to hug him when they both heard a distant howl.

"I have to go, otherwise they will be worried about me" He got up and wiped the cookie crumbs from his clothes "Thanks again for the cookies and for being my friend, I hope to see you again" Norman said with a warm smile.

Emma nodded and waved as Norman disappeared into the trees as quickly as he had appeared.

"Oh! I have to give Mr. Yuugo the rest cookies before gets dark!"


"Oh, you've arrived! I was already worrying!" Isabella said genuinely concerned when her daughter opened the door "The sun is almost setting, I thought something had happened to you!"

"Sorry, I found someone in the forest and I lost track of time" Emma apologized as she took off her shoes and hugged her mother.

Isabella looked at her confused "Someone? In the forest?"

"Yes, he was a boy my age! His name is Norman and now we are friends" She said excitedly when she told her mother about her new friend "He is very nice and really liked the homemade cookies that you made!"

"Well, I'm glad your new friend liked the cookies, even though I tell you not to talk to strangers" She sighed knowing that she could never change Emma's personality

"If I don't talk to strangers, then how do I make friends?" Isabella looked at her daughter in surprise and laughed at the question.

"You're right, but be careful when you talk to someone" Emma nodded and smiled "Is there anything else I should know about Norman?"

Emma thought about this for a while before nodding again "He made me realize that the Big Bad Wolf isn't that bad!"


Hello! Welcome to my new Noremma book!

If you read the title of the book you should probably know that this book will be full of short stories about Noremma, if you haven't read it, then now you know lol.

The first chapter was inspired by the famous story of Little Red Riding Hood (as you may very well have noticed), but not all chapters will be like this, there will be chapters that will follow the TPN plot, some that will be AUs that I thought of in the middle of the night. That is, the subjects of the one-shots will be quite varied and probably without any connection.

I'll try to update this weekly, but don't expect too much from a lazy person like me lol.

Okay, that was it, thanks for reading this far and have a great day, bye!

I'm sorry for any mistake.

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