"No, I'm just bored," Hinata responded, "There's nothing to do here, I don't know how you could stand being here every day."

"I wanted to be there for you when you woke up so you didn't have to be alone. Also, you get bored a lot faster than me," Kageyama answered.

"True. Well, anyway, please don't hang up. That way I won't feel as lonely," Hinata explained.

"I won't," Kageyama promised, "I like hearing your voice."

"Okay, then I'll keep talking, that's something I'm great at," Hinata said happily, "I'll just narrate what I'm doing. Is that alright?"

"Well, you aren't doing very much at the moment I'm assuming, but okay," Kageyama agreed.

Before Hinata spoke again, Bokuto nudged Kageyama, "Is that Hinata? Can you put him on speaker?" Kageyama repeated the question to Hinata.

"Sure, is there a reason for it?" Hinata asked.

"I think Bokuto just wants to listen to you too," Kageyama guessed. Bokuto nodded.

"Okay, I'm still going to narrate though," Hinata told him, "Anyway, back to what I was doing, I need to get these monitors and stuff off so I'm going to set my phone down for a second."

"What?" Kageyama exclaimed, "Why are you taking them off?"

"I'm going exploring," Hinata told him, "Okay, those are off now, time to get out of bed." There was a crash.

"What was that?" Kageyama asked in a worried voice.

Hinata laughed, but it sounded kind of forced, "It's alright, I guess I just got weaker from lying in bed for two weeks. I'm only mildly injured though, so it's fine, I just shouldn't get out of bed so vigorously next time"

"Get back in bed!" Kageyama ordered.

"No, I haven't even left my room yet, there's nothing to worry about," Hinata said nonchalantly. Kageyama turned off the sound on his phone briefly so Hinata couldn't hear him.

"Guys are you hearing this? We need to get back," Kageyama urged them.

"I know, I know," Kuroo respond, "I'm driving as fast as I can, while still being safe."

"Wow, this hallway is very plain," Hinata said, "Although, it seems perfect to slide down, and I'm wearing good socks."

Kageyama turned the sound back on, "No! Hinata, you dumbass!"

"Too late, I've already started--woah! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It won't happen again," There was a pause, "I just bumped into a doctor," Hinata whispered. Kageyama saw with relief that they were pulling into the hospital parking lot. As soon as the car stopped, Kageyama kept out of it and bolted inside, while everyone else hurried to keep up with him. He got to room 4878, but Hinata was nowhere in sight.

"Where are you?" he asked Hinata.

"I don't know," Hinata responded, "I'm a little lost, all these halls look the same, and I forgot my room number. Maybe I could just scream and you could come find me."

"No, don't do that. Your room number is 4878, when you get back, I'll write it on your hand," Kageyama told him. After a few minutes Hinata found it, and he ran up to hug everyone, starting with Kageyama.

"Don't do that again, idiot," Kageyama said.

"I was fine, you don't need to worry," Hinata told him. That's when everyone spoke up to disagree, except for Bokuto, who was eating a cupcake. He did say something but Kageyama had no idea what it was since his mouth was full. Hinata completely ignored them and took a cupcake. Kageyama rolled his eyes and pushed Hinata gently back into his room. Hinata didn't resist, which was good because all five of them would've stopped him if he tried to leave again. He did refuse to get back in bed though.

"I've been in there long enough, I think it'll be okay if I walk around for a bit, or at the very least sit in a chair," Hinata complained.

"Fine," Kageyama relented, "But I'll be watching you to make sure you're being careful."

"I'm always careful," Hinata said as he leapt on the chair and almost knocked it over. Kageyama realized he needed to do something to distract Hinata before he did something even more dangerous.

"Do you want to split an orange?" Kageyama offered.

"Sure!" Hinata responded.

"I don't have a knife though," Kageyama pointed out.

"That's okay, just rip it in half like the last time we had one," Hinata suggested.

"If I remember correctly, that didn't work so well," Kageyama said.

"Do it anyway," Hinata told him.

"Oh my god, just peel it and then it'll be easy to split," Kenma interjected.

"Wow, you're so smart," Hinata said with awe.

Kenma shrugged, "I guess."

They listened to his suggestion and it worked perfectly. Kageyama even got out a second orange and split it for Kuroo and Kenma. This made Bokuto feel left out, so he grabbed one for him and Akaashi. The room filled up with the scent of the oranges, and Kageyama loved it. It was so much better than the regular hospital smell. They spent the rest of the evening laughing, talking, and basically just enjoying themselves thoroughly.

{kagehina} he smelled like oranges Where stories live. Discover now