Kageyama this is a wonderful gift. I'm enjoying it a lot. You're definitely one of the most interesting people I know, and while I'm surprised that you're actually talking about your feelings in here, I don't mind it at all."

Hinata turned the page and read the next entry, "'Surprisingly, in the past couple of days, Kuroo, Kenma and I have kind of become friends. I know you always said how much I would like them if I got to know them, so as usual, you were right.'

I'm always right, you should know that by now.

'If I can't have you around to talk to, I guess they're the next best thing. Dammit, that makes it sound like I'm replacing you.'

No, it doesn't, I know how friends work.

'Well it's not like that, but I'm sure you know what I meant. No one could ever even hold a candle to you, because you're as bright as the sun. Your name does mean sun after all. Shit, I just realized that sounds a little poetic. I hate that, I always find it horrible when Takeda is being poetic so just pretend I didn't write that.'

I'm not going to do that because it was cute.

'If only I didn't write these entries in pen, then it would be so much easier. I won't change it though, because if I was talking to you, I wouldn't be able to take back my words even if I didn't like them that much, and I want this to be the same way. I don't care if you know I'm not perfect, because I want you to see that, I don't want to feel like I'm deceiving you or only showing you the best parts of myself. No one is perfect (though you come pretty close) but we accept each other for who we are and isn't that what's most important? Fuck, I sound so sappy, I need you to wake up so you can make fun of me and set me straight. I know you wouldn't let me ramble on this long if we were talking in person right now, but I do really want you to know how much I love you.'

I'd probably try to let you do it but I admit that I interrupt people a lot.

'Anyway, I think that's enough journaling for right now or I might turn into a big pile of emotions and no one wants that, especially me.'

Well, you'd seem like a very different person, that's for sure."

Kageyama was blushing profusely, this was so embarrassing, he never actually went back and read the entries after he'd written them, so he'd pretty much forgotten everything he'd put in them. Hinata kept reading, but his voice got more worried as he continued and the entries got sadder. As he reached the ones from a few days ago Hinata stopped and looked at Kageyama, "I know that you wrote these for me, but they're getting extremely personal and you seem to be writing like I'll never actually see them, so I just wanted to make sure it's okay that I go on. I don't want to invade your privacy if these are things you'd like to keep to yourself."

Kageyama took a deep breath, "You can keep going, but I'd prefer if you just read it to yourself." Hinata turned back to the book and finished reading the last few entries.

After he was done, he hugged Kageyama tightly, "Hey, I just want to start off with saying, none of this is your fault. You need to stop thinking that. Next, I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I never plan on leaving you. The car tried its best to stop me, but I'm awake now. It's just like in the fairytale you were reading, 'they lived happily ever after' right?" as he said these last few words Hinata pulled Kageyama in and kissed him. Kageyama felt so good, Hinata was awake, that meant he was recovering, and maybe Hinata was right, they really could live happily ever after. Hinata leaned back, "I'm starving, is there anything to eat around here?"

Kageyama fumbled for his bag and pulled out a handful of Kit-Kats, "This is all I have right now, sorry." Hinata took them eagerly, "That's alright, I love these." He began unwrapping them immediately.

He began munching on the Kit-Kats, and Kageyama's phone vibrated, he was going to ignore it, but Hinata asked, "Are you going to check that?"

Kageyama looked, "Oh it's just a notification that Kenma started a stream. Did you know he did that? I just recently learned about it."

"Of course I knew, I watch him all the time," Hinata responded.

"Wait, when did you watch them?" Kageyama questioned him, "And why didn't you tell me?"

"I watched them at home, without you, because I didn't think you'd be interested. Do you want to watch this one together?"

"Um, sure," Kageyama moved closer.

Hinata rested his head on Kageyama's shoulder, "Hey, Kageyama? Do you know where my phone is?"

Kageyama pulled it out of his backpack, "Here, what do you want it for?"

"I'm going to log in with my account too, so I can leave comments if I want," Hinata explained.

This time, Kenma was playing with Kuroo.

Kuroo waved at the camera and Kenma said, "Today I'm playing with my boyfriend, because every time I play with anyone else, they don't listen to me, but I know Kuroo will, because he loves and supports me."

Kuroo grinned, "Aw, you love and support me too, right Kenma."

"I didn't say that," Kenma told him, "Now, which game did you want to play?"

Kuroo's eyes widened, "I get to choose? I pick HoloLAB Champions, that's my favorite game."

Kenma sighed, "Kuroo, that's all you ever want to play."

Kuroo nodded, "Yeah, because it's the best game ever."

"No, it's not," Kenma protested, "It's all about chemistry. Plus, it's a VR game so we'd have to get up and move around."

"Please, Kenma?" Kuroo begged, "Just one round, and then I'll play whatever you want."

"Fine," Kenma conceded, "but it'd better be only one round, got it?" Kuroo agreed readily and pulled out the VR headsets.

"Do you want to explain HoloLAB Champions to our viewers Kuroo? It may come as a surprise but I would guess that the majority of people don't know much about the world of chemistry related video games," Kenma said.

"This is the perfect time to educate them," Kuroo said happily, "Maybe I'll make them get excited about chemistry!"

He began describing the game, which turned out to be a bit like a game show, where contests where put in a lab and given various chemistry experiments. They competed against each other, and there were several mini experiments and a final boss lab. Kenma was unenthusiastic at first, but Kuroo kept encouraging him, and Kenma slowly got more into it. He still didn't try that hard on the experiments though, and mostly yelled at the announcer, so Kuroo inevitably won the game. They switched to a different game, which Kenma picked out. Their characters worked together to solve puzzles and defeat enemies, and it involved a lot of strategy, so Kenma got to order Kuroo around. Kuroo didn't seem to mind, whenever Kenma yelled Kuroo just looked lovingly at him.

One time, Kenma got really angry because Kuroo messed up his plan for the third time and Kuroo just nodded and said, "You're really hot when you're mad, can I kiss you?"

The anger left Kenma's voice and he hesitated, "Kuroo, people are watching."

"And?" Kuroo asked.

"And I'm not going to kiss you, we can do that later, right now we're playing games," Kenma told him. Kuroo didn't seem surprised by that answer, clearly, they'd had conversations like this before.

Kenma glanced down at the comments, "I know you wouldn't mind it Shoyo, that doesn't mean..." he stopped speaking and hit Kuroo's arm, "Shoyo! Kuroo, Shoyo commented!"

Kuroo looked at the comments and back at Kenma, "You think he's--" but they didn't get to hear the rest of Kuroo's question because Kenma stopped the stream. Immediately after it ended Kageyama got a text from Kuroo.

{kagehina} he smelled like oranges Where stories live. Discover now