"Are you alright?" Kenma asked.

Kageyama gave him a pained smile, "Yeah, don't worry about me."

"That's a little difficult when you look like you're about to throw up," Kuroo said, "Maybe we should get out of here for a while, you've been stuck here for hours."

"No!" Kageyama exclaimed, a little louder than he'd intended, he got quieter, "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you, I just can't leave him."

"You do have to leave at some point though," Kuroo insisted, "I'm not letting you sleep here." How did Kuroo know he wanted to do that? Was Kageyama that predictable?

"Fine," Kageyama relented, "but I want to come back first thing tomorrow morning."

Kuroo reached out to shake Kageyama's hand, "Deal." Kageyama went over to hug Hinata goodbye, and they left.

Kageyama thought Kuroo was just going to drive him straight home, but he didn't. Instead, he stopped at a grocery store.

"I'm going to get some stuff to make dinner. I want to ensure you two eat. I'll be back soon," Kuroo explained and got out of the car, leaving Kageyama and Kenma alone together. There was a silence in which the only sound was Kenma softly tapping on his phone.

After a while, Kageyama spoke, "Is he a good cook?"

"Decent," Kenma answered, "He's better at baking. The worse part about him making anything though, is that he acts like he's in the chemistry lab and he's an evil scientist doing an experiment." Kageyama wasn't sure if Kenma was joking, but there didn't seem to be any trace of humor in his voice.

"He probably won't do it with you around though," Kenma paused, "At least I hope that's true. It's worst when he gets his hands on the food coloring, because everything ends up green. It doesn't taste bad, but it looks unappetizing, so I've had to hide it from him." Kenma wrinkled his nose in disgust, and Kageyama assumed he was remembering something particularity weird Kuroo had done.

"Are you a good cook?" Kenma asked Kageyama.

"Me? No, not at all. That's more Hinata's department. You wouldn't expect him to be good in the kitchen because he's so easily distracted, but everything he's made has been great."

Kenma seemed intrigued, "Oh, maybe after he wakes up and is able to go back home, Kuroo and I could come over and we can get Kuroo and Hinata to make us dinner. We'd have to supervise them of course, or Kuroo would probably influence Shoyo to do the mad scientist thing too." Kageyama nodded, he could definitely picture that happening.

Just then, Kuroo arrived back at the car. He opened the door and set some grocery bags down, "Okay, I got everything I need for dinner. I also picked up some food coloring, because for some reason we always seem to be out, even though I buy it all the time."

"That's probably because you are just terrible at remembering where you put things," Kenma told him. Kenma and Kageyama shared a quick glance, but they were both able to keep a straight face.

They drove back to Kenma and Kuroo's apartment. Kuroo began making dinner and Kageyama and Kenma sat next to each other on the couch. Kenma was playing games, so Kageyama decided not to bother him. Instead, he got up and went into the kitchen with Kuroo, who was, thankfully, cooking like a normal person.

Kuroo acknowledged Kageyama as he came in, "What's up?"

Kageyama wandered closer, "Not much, Kenma just doesn't seem very talkative at the moment."

Kuroo patted him on the shoulder, "Don't take it personal. I think he likes you, he just likes his games more than people sometimes," Kuroo chuckled, "Occasionally I wonder if he'd rather just play games than hang out with me, because it really seems like that sometimes."

Evidently, Kenma could hear what they were saying because his voice came from the living room, "If you think that, you're stupider than I thought."

"I love you too," Kuroo called back to him.Very soon, Kuroo finished what he was doing and they all sat down to eat. Kageyama tried to pay attention to the conversation Kuroo and Kenma were having but he couldn't stop thinking about Hinata. He was honestly feeling a whole lot better about everything than yesterday, but that wasn't to say he was enjoying himself; he'd just accepted it more. It was a lot easier to accept after he'd started doing things for Hinata that he could wake up to. Kageyama also did like that he was getting to know Kenma and Kuroo better, he'd wished it would've happened in a different way, but he was trying to focus on the positives, because he knew if he didn't, he would fall apart. They finished eating and Kuroo took Kageyama home, giving him a hug and telling him to get some rest.

Kageyama did try, he truly did, but once again, he had a very uneasy night, because his mind was plagued with thoughts of Hinata alone in the hospital. He made the decision to stay there the next day, he knew Kuroo wouldn't like it, but it was also the only way he'd be able to get any sleep.

{kagehina} he smelled like oranges Where stories live. Discover now