"Don't make fun of me!" Kageyama yelled at him.

"I'm not," Hinata said, now not even trying to pretend he wasn't grinning, "I'm just worried you'll get all the attention when we go out and there won't be any left for me."

Kageyama smirked, "Did you hear that Natsu? He wants his hair done too."

"Yay!" Natsu exclaimed. She beckoned Hinata over, he didn't complain, he just kept laughing and dropped himself onto the bed with her and Kageyama. Natsu handed some hair ties to Hinata so he could finish Kageyama's hair while she did his. Soon enough, their hairstyles were completed and they went to go look at themselves in the mirror. Kageyama thought he looked like a porcupine and wanted to get rid of it immediately, but Hinata had a different opinion.

"Wow, we can really pull off anything, can't we?" He said happily.

In response Kageyama patted Hinata on the head and said, "You can say that, but one thing's for sure, I'm not wearing this out to lunch."

Hinata pouted, "Aww, but Kageyama, Kuroo would love it."

Kageyama grimaced, "That's what I'm afraid of." He pulled the hair ties out of his hair, much to Hinata's and Natsu's disappointment, and set them on Hinata's dresser. His hair now was very messy and spikey and he had to flatten it back down again before he was happy with it. Hinata, on the other hand, left the hair ties in.

"Are you really going to keep them in for our double date?" Kageyama asked.

"I don't see why I shouldn't," Hinata replied.

"I do," said Kageyama, "Please Hinata can we try to look like adults for once?"

"Hey, I'm the only adult here, and I think it's perfectly acceptable," Hinata pointed out. This was true, Hinata had turned 18 a couple weeks ago, but Kageyama had to wait until December until he was.

"Just because you're an adult, it doesn't mean you act like one," Kageyama retorted.

Hinata stuck out his tongue, and began taking the hair ties out, "Fine. Whatever you say, your majesty."

"You know I don't like it when you call me that," Kageyama snarled.

"That's exactly why I did it. What would you prefer, your Highness, your excellence, your grace, my king?" Kageyama could take a lot, but those types of nicknames were the one thing he really despised. Kageyama was very upset, and he was about to communicate this with Hinata, when Natsu leaped off the bed and stood between them. It didn't do much since she was so much shorter than either of them, but they looked down at her anyway.

"Guys, it's not a big deal, stop fighting over it. I thought you two were in love, but this really doesn't seem like it." Kageyama paused, Natsu was right, he had overreacted.

"Alright I apologize. I really hate being called that, I won't do anything because it's you, but if you were anyone else, you would be dead right now." Kageyama said through gritted teeth. Natsu seemed satisfied with this and left the room.

"Wait a minute, you aren't going to make him apologize?" Kageyama called after her.

"He didn't do anything," she said before she was out of earshot.

Hinata glanced at Kageyama, "We still have a while before we need to leave to meet up with Kenma and Kuroo. What do you want to do while we wait?"

Kageyama shrugged, “I don't know, whatever you want."

Hinata gave him a sly look, "I have an idea but I'm not sure how much you'll like it. Have I ever told you I'm amazing at doing makeup?"

That was not what Kageyama expected to hear, "What? Why?" he asked.

Hinata smiled, "I learned so that I can help Natsu with her makeup when she gets older." That was kind of sweet, Kageyama thought. Hinata was such a thoughtful person.

"Alright, you can do my makeup," Kageyama said, "I did say anything you wanted after all."

Hinata clapped his hands together, "Wonderful!" He opened a drawer in his desk and revealed a ton of makeup. He began pulling things out, "So I'm thinking kind of a goth look on you would be nice. I don't think you'll let me put on black lipstick, but I'm definitely going heavy on the eyeliner. Your skin is already really good so I don't think you need any concealer or anything." He motioned for Kageyama to sit down on the bed and positioned him so he was still kind of upright, but mostly leaning back against the pillows.

"This will give me better lighting," Hinata explained before straddling Kageyama and leaning in. After several minutes, Hinata sat back and said, "Okay, it looks all done." Kageyama turned to see himself in the mirror. It actually looked really good. Kageyama had never worn makeup before, but now he was considering doing it again at some point. Hinata had given Kageyama some pretty purple eyeshadow and he had not been lying when he said he would use a lot of eyeliner, but thankfully, Kageyama didn't look like a raccoon, it just drew more attention to his eyes. Kageyama looked back at Hinata, who had started doing his own makeup.

{kagehina} he smelled like oranges Where stories live. Discover now