“Because I’m kind of pregnant,” I mumble.

“What, how, when, why?” she says shocked. “Was it when you went to that old church?” I nod. “With Joe?” I nod again. “Joe’s the father?” I nod, yet again. “Oh, My, Gosh!” She says. At least she worked it all out for herself.

“Yes, I know, now shut up. I need to get ready for school,” I say and push past her and go towards the bathroom. Just before I close the bathroom door I say “And don’t you say a word to him about it.” And then I close the door. I can hear her laughing before I turn the shower on and start getting ready.

It takes me 15 minutes to get to school. I walk there on my own listening to my iPod Touch. When I get there Mike runs over to me and gives me a big hug. “Hey babes,” he says.

“Hey bud,” I say hugging him back. We then walk over to the others who are all talking at our usual meeting place. Some of the boys are playing football, some are talking to the girls. “Hey Safi, how was your weekend?” asks Jenny. Eventful, painful, annoying and regrettable.

“It was great thanks Jen, Mike stayed the weekend and we had great fun didn’t we,” I say nudging Mike.

“Yep, we went to a farm with Vicky’s aunt and Vicky’s little cousins, it was great fun,” says Mike laughing. I laugh too and then everyone else joins in. Just then the bell goes and we all make our way to our different form rooms. I walk with Vicky to form.

“We didn’t finish our conversation the other day,” says Vicky while were in form. “You were going to tell me about, you know?”

“Oh yeah,” I say nodding. “That conversation.”

“So, who is the, you know,” she looks around and then whispers “Dad?” everyone I know is going to hate him by the end of this year.

I look around and make sure know ones looking at us and then whisper “It’s Joseph.”

“What?” she says a little too loudly. The teacher glares at us and I look at her and put my hands up in surrender as if to say sorry. “Joseph?” She hisses. “How?”

“He took me to an old church for a romantic picnic, got me drunk and then had sex with me,” I tell her quickly, my fists clenching on my lap at the memory.

“What a pri....” she starts.

“Don’t say a word, he doesn’t know yet.”

“Then you need to tell him,” she says urgently.

“Not yet, I’m going to wait a while,” I tell her truthfully. A long while. Maybe when the baby is born I tell him. ‘hi Joe, this is your kid by the way. Yeah, your an ass’. Sounds like fun.

“Okay, but just be careful. Does anyone else know?”

“Yeah, Mike and Phe...” I start saying and then stop.

“Huh?” she asks.

“Just Mike and you.”

“Oh, okay. When are you going to tell you dad?” That’s a point, when am I going to tell him. I don’t want to tell him. Although he could then tell Joe and that crosses one thing of my to-do list.

“Um.. I’m not sure, I haven’t really thought about that yet,” I say uncertain.

“Okay. If you need me, I’ll be here for you, all the way through to the birth,” she says smiling and patting me on the back.

“Birth? Wait a minute, I’m not even sure if I’m going to keep it yet,” I say but then realize I have to.

“Oh, but you can’t kill it.” I know that!

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