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Latin Sass🔥 are you serious??

Canada🙄 drop dead

Latin Sass🔥 where are u exactly?

Canada🙄 behind your door

Latin Sass🔥 WHAT?

Canada🙄 kidding. we are not in shitty melodrama. just yet...
Im staying at some nice hotel near the center. They gave me free chocolate bar! So sweet 🥺

Latin Sass🔥 what a child you are...

Canada🙄 your compliments are da best 🤩

Latin Sass🔥 omg your face burned so bad lmafooo😭😭

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Latin Sass🔥 omg your face burned so bad lmafooo😭😭

Canada🙄 and that's all you gotta say? Uhh...disappointed but not surprised

Latin Sass🔥 awww you wanted me to say OmG SeaN MenTos yOu aRe sO AdoRable. Not gonna happen

Canada🙄 i thought you don't hate me :(

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Canada🙄 i thought you don't hate me :(

Latin Sass🔥 yeah, but i got this t-shirt because of you

Canada🙄 feeling: special 💫

Latin Sass🔥 why are u in my hometown anyways?

Canada🙄 ......

Latin Sass🔥 ????

Canada🙄 not only cats do not have associative thinking i see...

Canada🙄 not only cats do not have associative thinking i see

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Latin Sass🔥 shut. I just wanna hear it 😌

Canada🙄 well I was heading home actually... but then I understand that I need to see this really annoying girl first 😒

Latin Sass🔥 omg she is being annoying with you??? With Sean Mentos ??? No fucking way

Canada🙄 yeaH... but she also helped me a lot lately and I feel like I owe her

Latin Sass🔥 damn, this girl is hella confusing 🤨

Canada🙄 you have no idea...but she is kinda cute too! Or im just under her spell... She is a witch I swear

Latin Sass🔥 Latin Witch...🤔sounds like challenge

Canada🙄 exactly ma'am. E-fucking-xactly
so are you going to give me your address or...?

Latin Sass🔥 well...I have 3 dogs. I don't think they'll love your Canadian Furry🤒

Canada🙄 Canadian what??? I don't have one

Latin Sass🔥 you do, unfortunately ☹

Canada🙄 well...don't see a problem anyways. I'll take you out

Latin Sass🔥 you what??

Canada🙄 send me your address Cabello. Right now.

I'm going to write a chapter about their meeting with all the details. who is excited???🙋🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

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