I 24: B I R T H D A Y

Start from the beginning

I was hesitant on wearing the lingerie. Yes I bought it. Or more like Hanji persuaded me to. I know we 'kinda' agreed we will do it after marriage, but with all the tension, we might put that idea aside.

It was a all black Lacey one, spaghetti straps, paired with stockings. I wore them, then topped it with a green sweater and a black flowy skirt.

It was already 8:59 when I came back to the dining room. Hanji, Petra, Olou, Eren and Erwin was already ready, all we need to is wait and call Levi here.

The doorbell rang 15 minutes later, And I tensed up. It still wasn't time yet, he was supposed be here 3 hours later. I looked to Hanji and she seemed very happy.

"I'll answer the door" I stood up and headed to the door.

It was a stunning woman, she looked like in her late thirties, had long black hair, and she looked exactly like Levi.

Then it clicked. It was Levi's mom, Kuchel Ackerman. Hanji probably invited her without me knowing. Not that I was complaining Though.

"Mrs. Ackerman! Thank you for coming! I assume Hanji invited you? I'm sorry I didn't know" I moved aside to let her in, and laughed sheepishly.

"No sweetie, it's fine, she wanted it to be a surprise for the both of you, I also assume your Levi's girlfriend?"

I blushed, and nodded at her.

She immediately jumped in for a hug, I was surprised, but returned it nonetheless.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"You're welcome, Why thought?" I asked her.

"For putting up with Levi, I know he's a handful, yet your still here, he needs someone in his life other than me you know?" She pulled back, grabbing my shoulders, and giving them a good squeeze.

"Ahh, no need for it Mrs. Your son is the best, I couldn't ask for more." I putted my hands in one of hers and smiled.

She smiled at me, "No need to call me Mrs, just call me 'Mom' or whatever you're comfortable with"

"Of course...Mom"

It was weird, a good weird actually, having another mother figure in my life seems refreshing. Both of my parents are still alive and healthy, but lives 8 hour bus trip to the country side.

"Auntie! So great you could come!" Hanji approached her with wide arms. "Of course, how could I miss it" She hugged Hanji with the same energy she was receiving.

We led her to the living room, where we all talked and killed time, without noticing, It was already 11:37 pm.

"Ohh! Levi should be on his way now, let's get ready" Hanji stood up, and started turning off the lights.

She had a plan, Levi was going to see his mother after we give him the gifts, and surprising him further.

The lights were off and we took our places, Kuchel was hiding upstairs so she'll be safe until it was her time.

We heard the juggling of keys, and sound of the door opening, He sighed.

"Tch, I hate these surprise parties, it's so predictable." He turned on the lights, and we shouted 'Merry Christmas' to him, it wasn't exactly 12 am yet, so his birthday surprise is going to wait a bit further.

"Tch, Merry Christmas too, now can we get this over with? I have paperwork to do"

The plan was going smoothly. Hanji started the gift giving, and we all got plenty.

I got a bag from Hanji, book from Erwin, some clothes from Petra and Olou, and a Bracelet from Eren. Levi got me a rose necklace, Which is very cute. I saw Levi grin a little when he opened my present, which was cleaning supplies.

The clock chimed 12, and we greeted him happy birthday and took out our gifts for him. It lifted up his mood a bit when he started opening them.

When he opened mine last, his mom was making her way down, getting behind him. He thanked me after opening my gift to him, and I looked behind him.

Levi shot me a confused look, and looked behind.

"Happy birthday honey" Her mother greeted.

He immediately stood up and hugged her. They both shared a motherly hug, until he broke it, and asked, "I thought you were out of town?"

"Well I would but I decided to spend Christmas and my son's birthday with him right?" She smiled.

The next events were fun. We sang Christmas carols, and ate. We were talking about trees when Levi decided to interfere,

"We should go to sleep, It's already 3 am."

We all agreed, but he didn't let us go upstairs not before we cleaned the place, he let his mother pass, but she insisted.

Since there were a lot of us, we finished after 30 minutes. Kuchel went to her room, Petra and Hanji went to theirs, and Olou, Erwin and Eren did the same, that leaves me with Levi to sleep together.

"You go ahead, I'll just return this plates" he said.

When I arrived upstairs, I immediately took a half bath and wore my lingerie and laid in bed, waiting for him. He came in minutes later,

"Hey, I have som-" He blushed, first time seeing me in such revealing clothes, but quickly composed himself. As he was nearing me, I was getting excited about what's to come. He hovered over me and whispered huskily in my ear, "is this a part of my birthday gift?"

I nodded.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Not just because it's my birthday?" It was sweet of him asking for consent, but I'm already riled up that I might just scream if we stopped.

I cupped his cheeks, "Yes Levi, I'm very sure"

With the word of consent, his eyes filled with love and assurance, replaced by lust and dominance.

"Well then,
Get ready.."

Let's just say we both didn't get much sleep that night, and I'm pretty sure the others too.

🎄✨A u t h o r ' s n o t e ✨🎄



I'm not gonna lie, this chapter is rushed and crappy, I'm sorry.

But I hope you enjoyed this! I might be editing it further on.

Thank u so much for 2.27k guys!

Remember to stay safe, and spend the holidays with your love ones! Godbless!

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