I 25: N E W Y E A R

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❝𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝘁𝗼𝗼 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆, 𝗜 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲❞


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The Christmas and my birthday celebration was a blast. Especially that last gift y/n gave to me.

Of course, after Christmas, New year comes. It's hard to see that a year is almost done. New decade I guess.

Snow has been falling colder than ever, and we've been planning about what to do on New year's Eve.

I suggested that we just celebrate it in Y/n's apartment and that's it, but Hanji being Hanji, decided that we try and go to a designated fireworks place. Tiring shit I know, but as long as Y/n is happy.

I'm still staying at y/n's apartment while she and my mom went out for groceries. I'm all alone in this house and thoughts flooded in.

It could be any thought. But no. It's the tea shop.

It's been a week since it was burned down, but seeing your hardwork gone just like that, hurts. I'm admitting it, it fucking hurts.

Mom decided to help financially to start up again. Although it was nice and thoughtful, I tried to decline, but she was persistent.


It's now December 31 and we're headed to the open space to watch the fireworks. The government insisted that we watch these instead of doing poppers in front of our houses. Brats these days, playing around with them unsupervised, causing it to pop in their hands, loosing some of their fingers.

Third PoV

The said group was on their way to meet Hanji who came earlier to save them a spot.

Y/n and Levi's hands were interwined, y/n swaying them back and forth.

The place had a couple of people in now, kids running around and parents taking pictures. It was now 11:37 pm.

They arrived at their spot, with Hanji waiting for them. She layed out a large cloth, enough for all of them to sit in.

"Well, less than thirty minutes more and we're leaving 2020!" Hanji exclaimed.

They spent the remaining time reminiscing the events happened this year. Even with the shitty events happened, they never forget to smile. As the quote says; "There's a rainbow after every storm."

Mrs. Ackerman, being the mom she is, brought food with them. She distributed them, and they started to eat.

There was only three minutes before the annual countdown will begin. Levi stood up, bringing Y/n with her. She shot a confused look at him, and he answered, "Come on, I want to spend some time with you alone even if it's short." She immediately agreed, dusting herself off.

After they excused themselves, they headed to the same place under the big ass tree, sitting down on the grassy dirt, y/n layed her head in his shoulder, sighing in content.

They spent the last time of 2020 staring into the starry sky before they heard people counting down. They went along with them, silently counting in their heads.







Different fireworks fired up the sky, forming numbers and so. Y/n gazed up into the pretty sky, not wanting to miss any of it.

Levi turned his head to his girl, admiring her features, how her eyes reflect the beautifully lit sky. He grabbed her chin and went in for a kiss.

It was passionate. It wasn't heated or anything, it was full of love. Her hands making their way to his cheeks, cupping them. And his resting on top of her waists.

They leaned back after a minute, grazing into each others eyes. He broke the silence, "Happy New year baby, I love you so much"

She blushed, she never really expected for Levi to give her pet names. She loved it though.

"Happy New year too baby, I love you more."


They came back to the group 10 minutes later, greeting each other. They spent the first few minutes of 2021 together. Hoping for the best memories, spent with love ones.

But things doesn't always go as planned.

There will always be something,



To mess things up.

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