Day 17 ~ Making Gingerbread House

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Janis and Cady thought that they had learned from their mistakes yesterday. Baking isn't the smartest thing to do with their daughter Ember. Because you know... sugar.

But yet again, they've decided to do some baking.

Today it's a gingerbread house. The things that nearly every American family does around this time of the year.

The kids love it, but the parents...well they're the ones to clean the mess.

"Janjan, you do know this is going to absolutely murder us. Yesterday's baking was a disaster, this will be even worse" Cady tries to talk her girlfriend out of it, knowing that their kitchen will be a battlefield in no time.

"It'll be absolutely fine KitKat, its just a few squares of gingerbread and frosting with other decorations. We can put it all in separate bowls and nothing will go wrong" Janis answers standing closer to the shorter girl and giving her a small kiss on the nose.

"Alright fine, BUT you will clean the mess" Cady already knows this will be an absolute disaster, but at least she won't have to clean it.

And when that deal is made, Janis is on her way to target, while Cady is taking care of her daughter at home.

The redhead had given Janis a list of stuff they would need so she took it out of her pocket once arriving at the big store.

It total there were 6 things on the white paper:
It said

Gingerbread squares
White frosting
Little candies
Eatable glitters
Candy canes

Why would they need champagne? It's not that she's complaining or something, it's just a little strange dje making gingerbread houses.

Eventually she entered the big store, taking a card with her. The first thing she walked upon were the candy canes right in front of the entrance.

Janis decided to take two boxes of them, just in case some broke. She then walked towards the baking isle where the frosting and glitters would be.

Scanning through the many products looking for the big cups of frosting she finally found them. They were right next to the glitters so that wasn't the biggest challenge.

Now walking over to where the gingerbread stuff I supposed to be...

Where could it beeeeee

The Christmas isle? No because that would be filled with Christmas trees and ornaments.

The baking isle? No because she just found herself there and there were no gingerbread cookies or whatever

Maybe the food isle? Yeah that might maybe possibly be an option.

So there Janis goes, walking over to the food isle looking for whatever gingerbread things she'll be able to find.

While she's walking past the wine isle she might as well just grab a bottle of champagne. Something Cady will like

(Time skip because I have to wait two years till I'm legally allowed to buy alcoholic beverages)

About two hours later Janis is finally home with all the stuff she needs. Everything Cady had written on the white piece of paper, including the gingerbread which took forever to find.

Turns out it was actually located by the Christmas stuff.
She walked past it about 4 times, but we don't talk about that around Candy who will probably laugh at her because it kind of made sense since gingerbread is a Christmas thing.

"JAYJAY you're hommeeee!" Cady the energetic goofball she is, yells excitedly. And so do Lion and Ember who also heard the tall woman walking into the house.

"Time to make a gingerbread house!" Janis announces, putting all of the stuff in the Kitchen counter.

"Okay so we're going to putt all of the decorations into separate bowls and put the spoons on them so we won't spill anything" Cady orders, looking specifically at Janis who feels kind of personally attacked right now.

"We will then cut the different squares in their specific form sow we can neatly stick them together" She continues grabbing a knife and the gingerbread.

Who knew Candy could be so serious about a simple thing.
Well she is very passionate about math so maybe that could have to do with what's going on right here.

"KitKat, I know you're very passionate about this, but don't you think you're a little overreacting..." Janis tries, taking the several instruments out of her girlfriends hands.

Cady stares into the void for a few seconds, before releasing a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"I'm sorry baby. I just want it to be perfect for Ember..."

Cady looked at her daughter who was too caught up into sorting the different candies.

"I know, but we will do this together" Janis said and eventually they say down and started building.


After many hours spent glueing and decorating the whole village looked kind of put together

Kind of

Frosting was dripping down everywhere and candy was randomly thrown on.

But to them it looked perfect, and who cares how it looks anyway. They'll be eating it tonight and no ones is holding them back.

"It looks perfect" Janis tells her girlfriend, kissing her on the lips.

"Just like you" Candy smiles back.


Still a few days behind but we're catching up!

Hope you like it!!

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