Day 11 ~ Getting The Christmas Tree

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Something they kept on hearing at yesterday's party is this one sentence; "why don't you have a Christmas tree?"

Despite the fact that these kids were no older than 10, they still noticed the lack of the green tree.

Janis decided to change that this day by waking up her precious girlfriend.

"KitKat baby, wake up" the dark haired girl gently tries but there's no luck.

"Caddieeee" she tries again.

Again, no response.

Now there's only one thing left.

Janis grabs a stool and places it at the end of the bed. She then climbs on it, before letting herself fall om the bed, plus cady, like a star fish.

"HOLY MATHEMATICS" Cady exclaims with her eyes wide open.

"Hi Baby" Janis says with a goofy grin plastered in her face.

"Jayjay, I love you and all that. But why did you think this was a good idea?"

"Because, we, are getting a Christmas tree" Janis tells her girlfriend.


Not even thirty minutes later the pair found themselves in the car, listening to all the possible Christmas music you could imagine.

Slowly the many rows of green pines come into view and Cady her excitement begins to grow.

"Jan look! There's so many. I didn't know you could have so many trees!" The redhead stares in awn.

"KitKat baby, this is a Christmas tree farm. It's their work to produce these trees and sell them. And today, we are going to buy one of them"

And with that both of the girls clamber out of the black Mercedes G wagon. A car which Cady got for her birthday about two years ago. She did pay half the price but it's still something she's incredibly thankful for.

But then, the main part .

Getting the Christmas Tree, something people tend to hate the most about Christmas. Decorticating is all fun and usually really Cozy.

But choosing an actual tree is one big of a pain in the ass. And for a family that's filled with girls only, maybe even more.

Don't get me wrong, Cady and Janis are really handy. But they just won't agree over the height of the green thing.

"But Jayjay, i want it to be really tall. So it almost hits the ceiling. I've never had such a big tree before" Cady begs, pouting at her girlfriend.

She REALLY wants a tall tree for the first time in her life. But Janis knows that one, the car is too small for that and two, how will they ever get to decorate it.

Janis may be tall, but a tree that's almost twice their height just won't be it.

"Caddie cat, I love you and all. But we both know that's not gonna fit in the car" Janis tells the shorter girl who is now pouting. Even tho Janis knew this would upset cady, she still had to tell her somehow.

"But babyyyyyy" Cady whines, using her puppy eyes once again.

"Cady I know you really want to, but it just won't fit in the car honey" Janis hugs her girlfriend, trying to cheer her up a little.

But then she gets an amazing idea.

"Cads I have an idea. You, wait in the car. I will be right back" and with that Janis left a confused Cady behind.

What's she up to Cady thought to herself while walking back to the car.

I just want my Christmas tree

Janis was now speedwalking over to the little white tent where you were supposed to pay for your three.

But another thing which was located at that tent, were the fake Christmas trees.

They had these boxes, filled with the fake trees plus they had these scented leaves and things which gave the feeling of a real tree.

Janis decided on buying the 9 feet tree, satisfying her girlfriend.

Just when she was about to walk back with the car, the box of trees in her hands. She received a messages from Cady.

Jayjay baby
I may have bought a mini fake tree while walking back to the car...

Where do you wanna put that
How tall even is it?


Oh my gosh KitKat
That's a full on tree

But it was freeeeee

I'm going back to the car right now

And so on Janis walked back to the car. Scared of what Cady had brought with her

And there it was.
A fake tree sticking out of the back of their car

"Really KitKat" Janis asked her girlfriend with playful disappointment on her face.

"It was free?" Cady answered with a question and a goofy grin.

"Anyway, besides that tree. I bough us a fake 9 feet Christmas tree with scented branches. I would say I did a pretty great job" Cady her smile grew as she realized how big of a tree they have now.


"I love you too Bambi"

And just like that. They suddenly owned two Christmas trees this year. Guaranteed that Lion would destroy either one or both of the trees.


Not me having to write three chapters today because I was too lazy these past days....

Anyway, I hope you like this.

This is actually based on a real moment this year with me and my mom so that's great

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