Day 23~ Mistletoe

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Today would be the last day that the three plastics plus Chandler would stay at Cady and Janis their house. And we'll, it was the slightest bit interesting.

Regina had decided to have a little fun with the girls.

While everyone else was still sleeping, Regina took her change to hang a mistletoe under the main entrance to the living room.

That way everyone would walk underneath it at least once or twice and would be forced to kiss. No matter their partners.

It's an evil little plan, just to have some fun on their last day.

Once Regina had hun the little mistletoe under the door, she walked back up the stairs and cuddled into her girlfriend once more. This time actually waking her up.

"Good morning mammas" the pink clad girl greeted her girlfriend, kissing her on the nose.

"Good morning sunshine"

The little noise caused Gretchen and Karen to wake up as well. As Karen opened her eyes she was met by Gretchen staring right back at her.

"Good morning marshmallow" Karen chimes up.

"Good morning sweets"

The four girls were now sitting up Straight, slowly waking up and rubbing their eyes.

"Do you think Janis and Cady will be awake?" Gretchen asks not really anyone in particular. Everyone just shrugs their shoulder, not really knowing anything about them.

"Well Lets just go downstairs and figure it out ourselves, I'm hungry" Chandler said, standing up and offering a hand to her girlfriend.

It's crazy how fast Chandler seemed to melt in with the other girls. She can still remember the night where she got introduced to the plastics and Janis.

As soon as they got to know each other a bit they just hit it right off. They had sort of the same interest plus the same situation in high-school.

And look where they are now. Almost all of them are happily married and have their dream job.

Chandler is now into wedding photography and Regina is a fashion designer. They couldn't be any happier.

The four girls started to walk downstairs, into the living room. That was until Regina stopped them.

"Chands baby look" she said, pointing towards the ceiling where the mistletoe was hung.

Chandler then smiled while rolling her eyes. "You did not.."

"I did, now give me a kiss" and with that Chandler softly pushed her girlfriend against the wall, pressing her lips against Reginas lustfully.

"If you two wanna fuck, do it at least in the bedroom" a voice came from the staircase. It was Janis and Cady who were just coming down.

Janis had a smirk planted in her face and Cady was laughing. This group had too much fun with each other.

"At least we don't fuck all night while our friends are next room" Chandler shot back, still pinned against the wall by her girlfriend.

"Anyway, who hung that mistletoe right there" Cady pointed up. She sounded so energetic and no one knew why.

It's 10am, no one should be this energetic on the morning.

"The elves, now can we please eat I'm getting moody" Gretchen mumbled, giving Karen a sweet kiss as they walked under the Mistletoe.


The girls had finally eaten and half of them were upstairs again. Chandler and Regina were already packing their many suitcases and Janis and Cady were helping them.

As for Karen and Gretchen who were now about to go upstairs. The two had been watching TV for a bit but soon realized they needed to pack.

But in order to get to the stairs, the had to walk underneath that damn thing.

"Does that mean I get a kiss now" Karen asks with the sweetest smile.

I swear she's a puppy by heart. She wouldn't even hurt a fly. Maybe that's why Gretchen loves her so much.

Karen knows how fragile the brunette is and she knows how to treat her well. How to be there for her when she is having a panic attack or how to cheer her up when she's feeling down.

They're perfect for each other.

"You get a kiss, but the little girl will need a kiss too" Gretchen points at her belly who is now forming a little bump.

The couple shares a kiss. It's a short but passionate one. The one that is given at a wedding, not that long but filled with so much passion and love.

"And one for the baby" Karen says before kissing Gretchen her belly.


Half an hour later Janis and Cady happen to be walking underneath the mistletoe. Might be coincidence, might nkt be.

"Look at that. Two girls meeting underneath the mistletoe. What might that mean" Cady teases with a smirk on her face.

"Oh not, what if they kiss" Janis teased back, grabbing Cady by the waist and pulling her closer. She then places little kisses on her neck and goes to her sweet spot. Only to form a hickey.

"I love you, you know that right?" Cady whispers, looking up at her girlfriend.

"I love you even more" Janis answers. Now kissing Cady on her lips.

"I love you"



Well this bitch is finally caught up. Jezus that we're Manu chapter HAHAHAHHAHA

Hope you enjoy!!

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