Day 4: Fun in The Snow | Hound

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Hound POV
I love guns, and Jamie is skilled with guns, but it's not wise to let her near guns at the moment. Not even a shooting range is a good idea. I wanted to spend time with Jamie but couldn't think of anything. What I thought of is something more fun to do with the other bots, but I'm fine with that. Bumblebee, Crosshairs, Drift, Jamie, and I have fun sledding. Though this will be the first year we'll be going to a park. I guess we're old fashioned, and the new thing is snow tubing. With Lennox's help, I am able to book the entire park for an afternoon. I didn't think he'd let the soldiers join us. I guess it's his Christmas present to them.

Blurr is already thinking about snow tubing races, and knockout agrees with him. Ok, so it's my idea to go snow tubing, but they're coming up with things we can do to make this fun. Jamie adds the idea that we all go down at once, holding each other's tube like a giant snake. We'll do some races later.

Jamie and I share the same tube, though it's a challenge for her to sit in me. The smallest human and the biggest holoform trying to ride a tube. It must be a fun sight to watch until Jamie falls off when we reach the first jump.
I tip myself over and get to her. It's her tiny size that can cause anyone to worry about her, even if she's a warrior. Even Crosshairs and Drift run towards her.

Jamie is laughing when we get to her.
"Was that part of the ride?" She laughs.
I didn't know Ratchet came over until he knelt beside Jamie and helped her sit up.
Oh, scrap, that's all we need for Jamie to have a concussion.
"She's laughing; she's fine," Crosshairs comments.
Ratchet lets Jamie continue to go tubing, but he'll be watching ber.

I let Drift take Jamie tubing since I'm too fat for her to ride the tube with me safely. This isn't going as planned, but I don't mind.

Ratchet checks on Jamie ecet twenty minutes in the hour we've been tubing before deciding to have some races. Though considering the number of bots and soldiers here, this is likely going to take up the remainder of our time. Even if each group goes only once plus the final race. Ratchet, Lennox, and Prime will act as judges.

Bumblebee, Blurr, and Crosshairs go first.
"Hands on the tube," Prime says, "three, two, one....go."
The three mechs go down the hill.
"Get back here!!" Ratchet yells as Jamie flies down the hill with the three mechs.
We all worry Ratchet sees something we don't, but he says nothing. I hope Ratchet is only cautious.
Crosshairs grabs Jamie as she flies over him. The two reach the end of the slope first.

Crosshairs POV
I beard Ratchet yell before I saw Jamie above me. She's not showing signs of a concussion, but I know Ratchet is worried.
"What were you thinking? Ratchet is worried."
"I'm fine," she tells me.
I put her in the snow tube and pull it up the hill-bumblebee and Blurr kook at me, concerned before going up the hill ahead of me.

Ratchet looks over Jamie again before we start the next race. I know humans would have her go to the hospital, but Ratchet knows what he's doing.
"My turn," Drift says as he picks Jamie up and sits in the tube before positioning her on him.

Hound's and Ironhide get into position on either side of him. Drift won this race.

"You cheated; you're going twice, Jamie," Sideswipe sulks.
"Two and a half times," Sunstreaker points out.

Jamie POV
Geez, do they think I helped Crosshairs and Drift win their races?
"You know more weight slows something down? But fine, let's redo the two races," I suggest before sitting on a bench by Bee.

Optimus Prime POV
It's unusual for Jamie; she'd argue back that Sideswipe and Sunstreaker are wrong, not give up so easily. I tell the others we will not redo the races. It's Jazz, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker's turn. While the race is happening, Ratchet looks over Jamie again, though I don't think her refusal to debate isn't a sign of a concussion but of her poor mental state.

Hound POV
This isn't the day I had planned, but it's much better; even with our concern Jamie hit her head hard enough to cause a concussion. Blurr took Jamie's spot in the race.

Sunstreaker won the third race, and knockout won the fourth. Jamie stayed with me while watching the two races and the final race. However, the final race wasn't a race. The four mechs held the rope wrapped around the tube and went down together. They walk up the hill one last time before we all go down together. Jamie looks small in her tube. We all ended up falling out of our tubes, laughing. It was a fun last run to end a great day.

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