Tears on Christmas Eve

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Jamie POV 
I had to go back to my dimension to make desserts for tomorrow.  I'm not risking certain Autobots sneaking cookies.  I may or may not be making several batches. Though I doubt I'll be able to use my entire seventy-two-ounce bag of chocolate chips. Not sure if there's enough butter. Oh, and I'm making sugar cookie cutouts.  Only Crosshairs and Drift were allowed to come with me.  

"No Christmas movies?" Crosshairs asks as I mirror my tablet screen to the T.V.  A Youtube live stream shows on the T.V., "this doesn't count as a Christmas program," Crosshairs adds. 
I put the tablet on the table and go back into the kitchen. 

Drift POV
I can tell Jamie is trying to hide how sad she is. Should I be relieved she's been able to get past Onyx not being here on Christmas? One less dog to be sad about.  Last year was awful, and I don't think this year is going to be much better.  All the Autobots' hate how her family seemed so happy to get rid of Buddy, and here's Jamie; fourteen months later, and her sadness is the same as the day he was put down. The only difference is less crying... possibly until now.  For now, she's doing ok.  

Crosshairs POV
Everyone is worried about how Jamie will be during Christmas day.  She won't cry in front of everyone — or at least try not to, but once we're in our room; Drift, and I think she will cry.   

Jamie POV
I can't believe it; another Christmas without Buddy. I don't know why it's not as bad Onyx isn't here.  I need to hide. I fake needing to use the bathroom and go in the one in my parents' bedroom.  Even if I'm quiet, Crosshairs and Drift would still hear me in the other bathroom. 

I thought I kept this secret until Drift knocks on the door before walking in with his eyes mostly covered. The space between his fingers allows him to see I'm sitting on the floor. He calls for Crosshairs before sitting on the floor by the bathtub. Crosshairs walks in but tells Drift he'll finish the cookies.

Drift POV
I know Crosshairs wants to stay and Comfort Jamie, but Jamie wants to hide this from her family, and they'll wonder why the cookies aren't done.  
"Come on." 
I pick Jamie up and carry her downstairs to her room.  Not even two in the afternoon and she's falling apart.  Hopefully, a little time with our friends will help.  There's nothing planned here for tonight; we'll leave after dinner. 

Crosshairs walks in twenty minutes later with three warm cookies.  Jamie takes a cookie and we eat our snack in silence.  Crosshairs puts the T.V. on, hoping to distract Jamie enough that she'll drop crying. 
Please don't let this be how tomorrow will be. Jamie's parents didn't give a scrap and said she ruined Christmas last year.  

Three hours pass before Crosshairs, and I can take Jamie back to N.E.S.T. with cookies for the other Autobots.   

We weren't expecting a welcoming committee. Most Autobots are waiting in the hanger. 
"I didn't tell them we're bringing cookies," Crosshairs comments.  
Everyone, but Jamie, laughs.  
Crosshairs gives everyone a cookie, which some are happy with and some want more, but there isn't enough for everyone to have another cookie.  
"There's plenty of chocolate chips to make cookies," I tell them. 
"GET BACK HERE!!" we hear someone yell before s German Shepherd puppy runs into the hanger and knocks Jamie down. The puppy is happy and licking Jamie's face, which makes her laugh. 
"I'm sorry, sir, this puppy is my kids' Christmas gift," a soldier apologizes. 
"It's fine, Luke," Optimus assures the soldier, "actually, Jamie needs this." 

We smile hearing Jamie laugh, but there's still a hint of sadness in her laugh. It's hard to tell if she's laughing that she's crying or seeing the puppy reminds her of the dogs she's lost, and she's laughing and crying at the same time.   Janie hugs the puppy as the puppy continues to bathe her. 
"Come on, boy," Luke calls the puppy. 
The puppy refuses to listen. I suspect the pup knows Jamie is unhappy.  
The puppy keeps licking Jamie for a few minutes before lying next to her. 
"I think this is Jamie's puppy now," Sideswipe jokes. 
Luke smiles before sitting on the floor by the puppy.  Some Autobots leave while the others lean on the wall, watching Jamie pet the puppy.  

Sunstreaker returns five minutes later with a tennis ball.  
"Here, boy," Sunstreaker gets the puppy's attention before throwing the ball.  The puppy gets up and chases the ball. 
"He doesn't know how to play fetch," Luke tells Sunstreaker.
The puppy gets the ball and walks back to Jamie. 
"Give," Jamie tells the puppy while pointing to the ground.  The puppy learns fast; he drops the ball on the floor, "good puppy." 

Optimus Prime POV
This is complicated; we had talked about letting Jamie have the puppy she's been wanting since before Buddy died, but we see the pain from his death is still around. It's hard to know if a puppy will help her or not. 

Crosshairs POV
The fun lasts a good half-hour before Luke's shift ends, and he brings the puppy home.

The rest of the night is the same, minus the almost nightly live stream until we go to our room.  What concerns me is she's been waiting to cry for hours. This is why we are undecided on letting Jamie have a puppy here.  Drift, and I should have talked about using a sleep aid. I don't think Jamie is going to be sleeping tonight without it.  Drift tells me to get something from Ratchet, but we're holding off using it for now.  

Drift POV
I'm sitting on the bed, hugging Jamie close as she cries.  I don't think she's going to calm down anytime soon. 

A long hour passes, with the three of us on one bed, Jamie is calming down.  We find something to watch on T.V., hoping Jamie will fall asleep without using sleep aid. 

13 Days of Christmas 2020 ✅Where stories live. Discover now