christmas Day

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Crosshairs and Drift worry this Christmas will be just as bad as last year's ( ch. 13 of Emotional Pain Hurts as Much as Physical Pain) this is their views of how Christmas 2020 went.

Drift POV
What's with this family and waking everyone up at eight in the morning to open a few presents? I thought it was something only human sparklings did? Of course, Jamie is already upset and doesn't want to bother with Christmas. To her family, they'll take it as she's being an aft and pissed at her. They'll never understand; they'll tell her to magically get over it like they do about the effects bullying has had on her. My poor sweetspark is already crying over everything. I'm terrified of what she may be thinking.

The other Autobots aren't pleased with how today is already going. While Crosshairs and I are Jamie's main support, several bots, and our human friend, Cade, want to come to Janie's dimension; I tell them not to bother. There's nothing they can do about this. It's basically Jamie has no choice but to go upstairs and try not to cry in front of them so they'll be minimally pissed. Even Crosshairs disagrees with the idea.

We go upstairs, and immediately Jamie's mom demands she open her presents. I've never heard of anyone in a hurry for someone to see what clothes they've gotten. However, Jamie got a new set of Autobot insignia earrings.

Everyone is in a pissy mood, and I hate how I know Jamie is blaming herself.
"Told you we should have stayed downstairs," Crosshairs whispers.
"Like that would make a difference," I sigh, seeing Jamie sits on the couch away from everyone for a while before sitting at the table to work on her story using her tablet and keyboard for a while, before watching T.V. with her nephew. The toddler is interested in the show though he doesn't last long before playing with his toys.

Crosshairs POV
There's no room to put the table's extension, so Drift, Jamie, and I ate at the other table. The toddler didn't want to eat but kept coming to us. There is a salad, though Jamie doesn't like the typical salad. Her version of a salad is cucumber, tomatoes, and shredded cheese.
"How can you like lettuce in a wrap, but not in a salad?" I ask, but Jamie ignores me.
At least she's eating.

We watch Minions after dinner. It's an odd yet funny movie. By the end of the movie, the toddler is awake from his nap and can't make up his mind about sitting on Jamie while watching T.V. until the two kids decide to pretend to do surgery on Jamie with the toy building tools the toddler got.

I laugh watching the kids enjoy what they're doing while Drift looks like he's ready to make the kids play somewhere else. Jamie is able to escape a few minutes later. It's not long before the toddler wants Jamie to drive his RC car around. This lasts ten minutes before he takes the car and manages to pop the car shell off. Of course, the older one insists on fixing it with the toy tools. The RC car still works without the shell.

Jamie had enough by five, and we went down to her room. I think the kids distracted Jamie so that she couldn't think of Buddy.

Drift POV
This Christmas was a little better than last year. I think the two distracted her, but I still don't like how depressing Christmas feels to Jamie. I don't think that'll ever change.

13 Days of Christmas 2020 ✅Where stories live. Discover now